MORE than two thousand years ago there lived in Sicily [1] two Greeks who were such true friends that they were always happy together, and neither thought much of himself when he could do anything for his friend. Their names were Damon and Pythias.
Pythias at one time was put in prison and condemned to death for doing something against the will of the king. Before the day of execution he begged for permission to go to his home, which was far away, that he might put his affairs in order.
Permission was refused, and Pythias was greatly distressed, but his friend Damon went to the king and said, "I know that my friend is true. Having made a promise he will never break it.
He has said that he will come back, and he will come. Let him go. I will take his place in prison, and suffer death for him if anything prevents his return.
The king, astonished, accepted the hostage [2] , and Pythias was allowed to go. It did not take him long to put matters right at home.
He was sad at heart when the time came for him to take a last farewell of all his kinsfolk [3] .Some of them urged him to stay, but honour and his friendship for Damon were far dearer to Pythias than his own safety.
His return took place on the day which had been fixed for the execution, and he at once turned his steps to the prison where he had formerly been kept. He could not get near it, however, for the way was blocked by a great wooden erection [4] , round which hundreds of people stood.
What is it? he asked a man on the out- skirts of the crowd. "Do you not know?" said the man; "we are waiting to see the execution of Damon. See, there he is! Foolish fellow! He might have known that his friend would never come back!"
With a loud cry Pythias made his way through the crowd, and throwing his arms round Damon's neck, said, "I am here, my friend! It is for me to die, not you. You shall live!"
The crowd swayed as the people with one accord [5] moved in the direction of the two men who were so ready to die for each other. And the king said, "Let Pythias be pardoned, because of the great love he has borne to Damon.
Although it is in my power to condemn to death, and to permit the condemned to live, there is none here who would gladly give his life for me. Damon! Pythias!if it be possible, take me also for a friend!
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[1 ] Sicily: An island off the south of Italy.
[2 ] hostage: Something given as a pledge.
[3 ] kinsfolk: Family, relatives.
[4 ] erection: Framework, contrivance.
[5 ] with one accord: All together.