Behold! a giant am I
Aloft here in my tower;
With my granite [1] jaws I devour [2]
The maize, and the wheat, and the rye [3] ,
And grind them into flour.
I look down over the farms;
In the fields of grain I see
The harvest that is to be,
And I fling to the air my arms,
For I know it is all for me.
I hear the sound of flails [4]
Far off from the threshing-floors [5]
In barns, with their open doors,
And the wind, the wind in my sails
Louder and louder roars.
I stand here in my place,
With my foot on the rock below,
And whichever way it may blow
I meet it face to face,
As a brave man meets his foe.
And while we wrestle and strive
My master, the miller, stands
And feeds me with his hands;
For he knows who made him thrive [6] ,
Who makes him lord of lands.
On Sundays I take my rest;
Church-going bells begin
Their low, melodious [7] din.
I cross my arms on my breast,
And all is peace within.
* * *
[1 ] granite: Hard, grayish rock.
[2 ] devour: Eat, consume.
[3 ] rye: A grain used in making certain kinds of bread.
[4 ] flails: Wooden instruments for beating grain.
[5 ] threshing-floors: The grain was beaten on a floor of wood or stone.
[6 ] thrive: Prosper, grow well.
[7 ] melodious: Tuneful.