【演讲者及介绍】Matt Cutts
马特·卡茨技术专家,作为谷歌的早期员工,是美国数字服务公司(U.S. Digital Service, USDS)的一名管理人员,他致力于使美国政府现代化。
翻译者 Chawlin Mcavoy 校对者 Yolanda Zhang
Hi everybody. My name is Matt Cutts, and Iworked at Google for almost 17 years. As a distinguished engineer there, I waspretty close to the top of the Silicon Valley ecosystem.
Then I decided to follow some inspiringfolks and do a short tour at the US Digital Service. That's the group of geeksthat helped rescue HealthCare.gov when that website went down hard in 2013.Yeah. So I signed up for a three-to-six-month tour, and almost three yearslater, I'm still in Washington DC, working for the federal government, becausethe government really needs technologists right now.
At my old job, every room hadvideoconferencing integrated with calendars, power cables were built right intothe furniture. When I moved to a government agency, I had to call a person toset up a phone conference. And when we moved to a new office, we didn't havefurniture for a while, so we set up the phone on a trash can.
One of the things that surprised me,whenever I moved to DC, is how much the government still has to deal withpaper.
Paper has some downsides. Here's a popquiz: If your last name starts with H or higher, H or higher, would you raiseyour hand? Wow. I have some bad news: Your veteran records might have beendestroyed in a fire in 1973.
纸制品有一些缺点。给大家一个突击测验:如果你的姓由 H 或更后的字母开头,有人是这样的吗?请举手!哇哦。我有一些坏消息:你的退伍老兵记录也许已经在 1973 年的大火中被焚毁了。
Yeah. Paper processes are also slower andmore prone to errors. If you're a veteran and you're applying for your healthbenefits using a paper form, you might have to wait months for that form to beprocessed. We replaced that with a web form, and now most veterans find out ifthey can get access to their health benefits in 10 minutes.
很遗憾。纸张处理也是更缓慢,更容易产生错误的。如果你是一个退伍老兵,并且你正在以纸质申请表的形式申请医疗福利,你也许不得不花上几个月来等待你的申请表被审核。我们用网络申请表的形式代替了纸质表格,现在大部分的退伍老兵发现,他们能在 10 分钟内得到所需要的医疗福利。
Here's another launch that I'm proud of. Weworked with the Small Business Administration to move one of their systems frompaper to digital.
At one point, we wanted to celebratemodernizing a different system, and so we went to a local grocery store and wesaid, "Can you make a cake and decorate it with the form that we'vedigitized?" And the grocery store got really weirded out by that request.They wanted a letter on official government letterhead. Well, we work for thegovernment, so we wrote a letter that said, "You can use thispublic-domain form on a cake for celebratory purposes."
Which led to bad jokes about filling formsout in triplicake. Yes, dad jokes in government.
Now I've talked a lot about paper, but wealso bring up computer systems that go down. We bring in modern technologypractices, like user-centered design and the cloud, and we also help improveprocurement. It turns out government buys software the same way that it buyschairs and brownies and tanks: from government regulations that are over 1,000pages long. So yes, there's some stuff that's messed up in government rightnow. But if you think Silicon Valley is the savior in this story,
you've got another thing coming. Some ofthe best and brightest minds in technology are working on meal-deliverystart-ups and scooters and how to deliver weed to people better. Is that reallythe most important thing to work on right now? Silicon Valley likes to talkabout making the world a better place. But you feel your impact in a much morevisceral way in government.
This is somebody whose dad passed away. Hehunted me down on Twitter to say that a system that we had improved worked wellfor him during a tough time. Those tough times are when government needs towork well and why we need innovation in government.
Now I have a confession to make. When Icame to DC, I sometimes used words like bureaucrat. These days, I'm much morelikely to use words like civil servant. Like Francine, who can make you cry. Orat least, she made me cry, because she's so inspiring. I am also deeply,fiercely proud of my colleagues. They will work through illogical situationsand put in late nights to get to the right result. The government can't payhuge salary bonuses, so we ended up making our own awards. Our mascot is a crabnamed Molly. And so that award is actually a crab-shaped purse, screwed intosheet metal.
These days, I believe less in silverbullets that are going to fix everything. I believe more in the people who showup to help. If you're looking for something deeply meaningful -- and fulldisclosure, sometimes incredibly frustrating -- here's what you need to know.There is something difficult and messy and vital and magical happening whencivil servants partner with technologists at the city and state and nationallevel. You don't have to do it forever. But you can make a difference in publicservice right now.
Thank you.