【演讲者及介绍】David R Liu
刘大卫——化学生物学家。David R. Liu领导了一个研究小组,将化学和进化技术结合起来,创造出革命性的新药。
翻译者psjmz mz 校对者Jin Ge
The most important gift your mother andfather ever gave you was the two sets of three billion letters of DNA that makeup your genome. But like anything with three billion components, that gift isfragile. Sunlight, smoking, unhealthy eating, even spontaneous mistakes made byyour cells, all cause changes to your genome. The most common kind of change inDNA is the simple swap of one letter, or base, such as C, with a differentletter, such as T, G or A. In any day, the cells in your body will collectivelyaccumulate billions of these single-letter swaps, which are also called"point mutations."
你父母给你的最重要的礼物就是2组包含30亿个碱基的DNA,它们构成了你的基因组。但就像任何包含太多零件的东西一样,这个礼物非常脆弱。太阳光、吸烟、不健康的饮食,甚至是细胞自身出现的错误,都能改变你的基因组。最常见的DNA改变就是一个字母,也叫一个碱基,比如C(胞嘧啶),换成了别的碱基,如T(胸腺嘧啶)、 G(鸟嘌呤)或者A(腺嘌呤)。每一天,你身体里的细胞会累计发生数亿次单碱基的改变,这也被称作“点突变”。
Now, most of these point mutations areharmless. But every now and then, a point mutation disrupts an importantcapability in a cell or causes a cell to misbehave in harmful ways. If that mutationwere inherited from your parents or occurred early enough in your development,then the result would be that many or all of your cells contain this harmfulmutation. And then you would be one of hundreds of millions of people with agenetic disease, such as sickle cell anemia or progeria or muscular dystrophyor Tay-Sachs disease.
Grievous genetic diseases caused by pointmutations are especially frustrating, because we often know the exactsingle-letter change that causes the disease and, in theory, could cure thedisease. Millions suffer from sickle cell anemia because they have a single Ato T point mutations in both copies of their hemoglobin gene. And children withprogeria are born with a T at a single position in their genome where you havea C, with the devastating consequence that these wonderful, bright kids age veryrapidly and pass away by about age 14. Throughout the history of medicine, wehave not had a way to efficiently correct point mutations in living systems, tochange that disease-causing T back into a C. Perhaps until now. Because mylaboratory recently succeeded in developing such a capability, which we call"base editing."
The story of how we developed base editingactually begins three billion years ago. We think of bacteria as sources ofinfection, but bacteria themselves are also prone to being infected, inparticular, by viruses. So about three billion years ago, bacteria evolved adefense mechanism to fight viral infection. That defense mechanism is nowbetter known as CRISPR. And the warhead in CRISPR is this purple protein thatacts like molecular scissors to cut DNA, breaking the double helix into twopieces. If CRISPR couldn't distinguish between bacterial and viral DNA, itwouldn't be a very useful defense system.
But the most amazing feature of CRISPR isthat the scissors can be programmed to search for, bind to and cut only aspecific DNA sequence. So when a bacterium encounters a virus for the firsttime, it can store a small snippet of that virus's DNA for use as a program todirect the CRISPR scissors to cut that viral DNA sequence during a futureinfection. Cutting a virus's DNA messes up the function of the cut viral gene,and therefore disrupts the virus's life cycle.
但CRISPR最神奇之处在于剪刀可以被编辑,专门寻找、锁定和剪断特定的DNA片段。所以当细菌首次遇到某个病毒时,它会存储一小段病毒的DNA以此来引导CRISPR的剪刀,如果将来发生感染,就剪断病毒的DNA链。剪断病毒的DNA 会扰乱该病毒基因的表达功能,从而中断病毒的生命。
Remarkable researchers including EmmanuelleCharpentier, George Church, Jennifer Doudna and Feng Zhang showed six years agohow CRISPR scissors could be programmed to cut DNA sequences of our choosing,including sequences in your genome, instead of the viral DNA sequences chosenby bacteria. But the outcomes are actually similar. Cutting a DNA sequence inyour genome also disrupts the function of the cut gene, typically, by causingthe insertion and deletion of random mixtures of DNA letters at the cut site.
Now, disrupting genes can be very usefulfor some applications. But for most point mutations that cause geneticdiseases, simply cutting the already-mutated gene won't benefit patients,because the function of the mutated gene needs to be restored, not furtherdisrupted. So cutting this already-mutated hemoglobin gene that causes sicklecell anemia won't restore the ability of patients to make healthy red bloodcells. And while we can sometimes introduce new DNA sequences into cells toreplace the DNA sequences surrounding a cut site, that process, unfortunately,doesn't work in most types of cells, and the disrupted gene outcomes stillpredominate.
Like many scientists, I've dreamed of afuture in which we might be able to treat or maybe even cure human geneticdiseases. But I saw the lack of a way to fix point mutations, which cause mosthuman genetic diseases, as a major problem standing in the way.
Being a chemist, I began working with mystudents to develop ways on performing chemistry directly on an individual DNAbase, to truly fix, rather than disrupt, the mutations that cause geneticdiseases. The results of our efforts are molecular machines called "baseeditors." Base editors use the programmable searching mechanism of CRISPRscissors, but instead of cutting the DNA, they directly convert one base toanother base without disrupting the rest of the gene. So if you think ofnaturally occurring CRISPR proteins as molecular scissors, you can think ofbase editors as pencils, capable of directly rewriting one DNA letter intoanother by actually rearranging the atoms of one DNA base to instead become adifferent base.
Now, base editors don't exist in nature. Infact, we engineered the first base editor, shown here, from three separateproteins that don't even come from the same organism. We started by takingCRISPR scissors and disabling the ability to cut DNA while retaining itsability to search for and bind a target DNA sequence in a programmed manner. Tothose disabled CRISPR scissors, shown in blue, we attached a second protein inred, which performs a chemical reaction on the DNA base C, converting it into abase that behaves like T. Third, we had to attach to the first two proteins theprotein shown in purple, which protects the edited base from being removed bythe cell. The net result is an engineered three-part protein that for the firsttime allows us to convert Cs into Ts at specified locations in the genome.
But even at this point, our work was onlyhalf done. Because in order to be stable in cells, the two strands of a DNAdouble helix have to form base pairs. And because C only pairs with G, and Tonly pairs with A, simply changing a C to a T on one DNA strand creates amismatch, a disagreement between the two DNA strands that the cell has toresolve by deciding which strand to replace. We realized that we could furtherengineer this three-part protein to flag the nonedited strand as the one to bereplaced by nicking that strand. This little nick tricks the cell intoreplacing the nonedited G with an A as it remakes the nicked strand, therebycompleting the conversion of what used to be a C-G base pair into a stable T-Abase pair.
After several years of hard work led by aformer post doc in the lab, Alexis Komor, we succeeded in developing this firstclass of base editor, which converts Cs into Ts and Gs into As at targetedpositions of our choosing. Among the more than 35,000 known disease-associatedpoint mutations, the two kinds of mutations that this first base editor canreverse collectively account for about 14 percent or 5,000 or so pathogenicpoint mutations. But correcting the largest fraction of disease-causing pointmutations would require developing a second class of base editor, one thatcould convert As into Gs or Ts into Cs. Led by Nicole Gaudelli, a former postdoc in the lab, we set out to develop this second class of base editor, which,in theory, could correct up to almost half of pathogenic point mutations,including that mutation that causes the rapid-aging disease progeria.
在实验室前博士后Alexis Komor 领导的几年努力工作之后,我们成功地开发了第一代碱基编辑器,将指定位置的C都转变为T,G都转变为A。在3.5万多个已知的与点突变有关的疾病中,第一代碱基编辑器可以逆转的两种突变总共占致病点突变的 14%或5000种左右。但是,纠正大部分致病点突变需要开发第二代碱基编辑器,一个可以将A都转变为G 或T都转变为C的工具。在实验室前博士后 Nicole Gaudelli的领导下,我们着手开发了这个第二代碱基编辑器,从理论上讲,这样可以纠正近一半的致病点基因突变,包括导致早衰症的突变。
We realized that we could borrow, onceagain, the targeting mechanism of CRISPR scissors to bring the new base editorto the right site in a genome. But we quickly encountered an incredibleproblem; namely, there is no protein that's known to convert A into G or T intoC in DNA. Faced with such a serious stumbling block, most students wouldprobably look for another project, if not another research advisor. (Laughter)But Nicole agreed to proceed with a plan that seemed wildly ambitious at thetime. Given the absence of a naturally occurring protein that performs thenecessary chemistry, we decided we would evolve our own protein in thelaboratory to convert A into a base that behaves like G, starting from aprotein that performs related chemistry on RNA. We set up a Darwiniansurvival-of-the-fittest selection system that explored tens of millions ofprotein variants and only allowed those rare variants that could perform thenecessary chemistry to survive. We ended up with a protein shown here, thefirst that can convert A in DNA into a base that resembles G. And when we attachedthat protein to the disabled CRISPR scissors, shown in blue, we produced thesecond base editor, which converts As into Gs, and then uses the samestrand-nicking strategy that we used in the first base editor to trick the cellinto replacing the nonedited T with a C as it remakes that nicked strand,thereby completing the conversion of an A-T base pair to a G-C base pair.
我们意识到我们可以再次借助,CRISPR剪刀的靶向机制,将新的碱基编辑器带到基因组的正确位置。但我们很快遇到了一个棘手的难题;具体来说,在DNA中没有已知的蛋白质可以将A转化成G 或者T转化成C。面对如此严重的困难险阻,很多学生可能会寻找其他方案,而不是咨询其他研究顾问。(笑声)但Nicole同意继续实施一项当时看来雄心勃勃的计划。鉴于缺乏一种自然产生的蛋白质来进行必要的化学反应,我们决定在实验室里进化我们自己的蛋白质来把A转化成一个像G一样的碱基,从一种对RNA进行相关化学反应的蛋白质开始。我们建立了达尔文适者生存选择体系,探索了数千万种蛋白质变异,只允许那些能够进行必要化学反应的罕见变异存活下来。我们最终得到了这里显示的蛋白质,第一个能把DNA中的A 转化成类似G的碱基。当我们把这个蛋白质连接到受到抑制的CRISPR剪刀上,这里用蓝色标示,第二代碱基编辑器就诞生了,可以把A转变为G,然后使用第一代碱基编辑器中同样的链切割策略诱骗细胞用C取代未编辑的T,当它重新生成单链后,就完成了A-T碱基对到G-C碱基对的转变。
Thank you.
As an academic scientist in the US, I'm notused to being interrupted by applause.
We developed these first two classes ofbase editors only three years ago and one and a half years ago. But even inthat short time, base editing has become widely used by the biomedical researchcommunity. Base editors have been sent more than 6,000 times at the request ofmore than 1,000 researchers around the globe. A hundred scientific researchpapers have been published already, using base editors in organisms rangingfrom bacteria to plants to mice to primates.
我们开发的这两代碱基编辑器分别诞生于3年前和1年半前而已。但在这短短的时间里,碱基编辑器已经被生物医学团队广泛使用。碱基编辑器应全球超过 1000位研究者的请求已经被发送到全球各地多达6千次。目前发表的相关科研论文多达百篇,包括了从细菌到植物,从老鼠到灵长类动物的生物体中使用的碱基编辑器。
While base editors are too new to havealready entered human clinical trials, scientists have succeeded in achieving acritical milestone towards that goal by using base editors in animals tocorrect point mutations that cause human genetic diseases. For example, acollaborative team of scientists led by Luke Koblan and Jon Levy, twoadditional students in my lab, recently used a virus to deliver that secondbase editor into a mouse with progeria, changing that disease-causing T backinto a C and reversing its consequences at the DNA, RNA and protein levels.
碱基编辑器还太新,尚未进入人体临床试验,科学家们已经在为之努力了,他们成功使用动物的碱基编辑器来纠正导致人类遗传疾病的点突变。比如,由Luke Koblan和Jon Levy领导的一个科学家合作小组,外加我们实验室的两个学生,最近使用了一种病毒将第二代碱基编辑器植入患有早衰症的老鼠体内,把致病的T变回C,并在DNA、RNA和蛋白质层面上逆转了其导致的后果。
Base editors have also been used in animalsto reverse the consequence of tyrosinemia, beta thalassemia, musculardystrophy, phenylketonuria, a congenital deafness and a type of cardiovasculardisease -- in each case, by directly correcting a point mutation that causes orcontributes to the disease. In plants, base editors have been used to introduceindividual single DNA letter changes that could lead to better crops.
And biologists have used base editors toprobe the role of individual letters in genes associated with diseases such ascancer. Two companies I cofounded, Beam Therapeutics and Pairwise Plants, areusing base editing to treat human genetic diseases and to improve agriculture.All of these applications of base editing have taken place in less than thepast three years: on the historical timescale of science, the blink of an eye.
生物学家也使用了碱基编辑器来探索单个碱基在与癌症等疾病相关的基因中的作用。我联合创办的两家公司,Beam Therapeutics和Pairwise Plants,正使用碱基编辑器治疗人类基因疾病和改善农业。所有这些对碱基编辑的应用都发生在不到三年的时间里:在科学的历史尺度上,这只是一眨眼的功夫。
Additional work lies ahead before baseediting can realize its full potential to improve the lives of patients withgenetic diseases. While many of these diseases are thought to be treatable bycorrecting the underlying mutation in even a modest fraction of cells in anorgan, delivering molecular machines like base editors into cells in a humanbeing can be challenging. Co-opting nature's viruses to deliver base editorsinstead of the molecules that give you a cold is one of several promising deliverystrategies that's been successfully used. Continuing to develop new molecularmachines that can make all of the remaining ways to convert one base pair toanother base pair and that minimize unwanted editing at off-target locations incells is very important. And engaging with other scientists, doctors, ethicistsand governments to maximize the likelihood that base editing is appliedthoughtfully, safely and ethically, remains a critical obligation.
在碱基编辑器提升基因疾病病人的生命质量前,我们仍有很多额外的工作要做。尽管许多这些疾病被认为是只需要纠正器官中很小一部分细胞的潜在突变就能治疗的,将分子机器(如碱基编辑器) 送入人体细胞仍然富有挑战。利用自然界的病毒来传递碱基编辑器,而不是让你感冒的分子来做这个,是几种已经成功实践的有前景的传递策略之一。继续研究开发新的分子机器,找到其他的方法将一个碱基对转变成另一个碱基对,并尽量减少细胞非目标位置上不必要的编辑是非常重要的。与其他科学家、医生、伦理学家和政府合作,最大限度地提高碱基编辑用于深思熟虑、安全和合乎道德的可能性,仍然是一项重要义务。
These challenges notwithstanding, if youhad told me even just five years ago that researchers around the globe would beusing laboratory-evolved molecular machines to directly convert an individualbase pair to another base pair at a specified location in the human genomeefficiently and with a minimum of other outcomes, I would have asked you,"What science-fiction novel are you reading?" Thanks to arelentlessly dedicated group of students who were creative enough to engineerwhat we could design ourselves and brave enough to evolve what we couldn't,base editing has begun to transform that science-fiction-like aspiration intoan exciting new reality, one in which the most important gift we give ourchildren may not only be three billion letters of DNA, but also the means toprotect and repair them.
Thank you.