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    【演讲人及介绍】 Jess Kutch

    Jess Kutch是Coworker.org的联合创始人,这是一个帮助人们团结起来改善工作和工作环境的非盈利组织



    翻译者 Jiasi Hao 校对人员 Ying Meng


    I am a labor organizer, and in 2013, Icofounded an organization called coworker.org that uses technology to helppeople join with coworkers and organize for improvements in the workplace.

    我是一名劳工组织者,在2013 年,我与人联合建立了一个名为 coworker.org的组织。这个组织旨在使用科技来帮助人们与同事一起组织改善职场环境。


    Now, there are two kinds of reactions towhat I do. Actually, no, there are three. The first is complete confusion aboutwhat organizing is. When my sked what I do and I told him, he thought Imeant organizing, like, Marie Kondo-style.






    He was like, "Oh, that's so great, Icould use some of that around here. I would love to clean up our patient files."And I had to explain to him that no, no, it's not that kind of organizing, it'smore like if you showed up to work tomorrow and all the nurses in the officehad gotten together to ask for an across-the-board raise.






    "Oh," he replied, and he gotreally quiet.






    Yeah, and that's the second kind ofreaction: the uncomfortable kind. People usually withdraw from the conversationand find someone else to talk to.



    Finally, there's the third reaction, theexcited one, the, "Oh my God, yes! We need this!" And someone alwaysproceeds to tell me a story. It's always a story about a job or a coworker or afriend who's enduring something awful at work. What I've noticed is that thereis never a neutral response to what I do. You're either repelled by it, oryou're struck with a lightning bolt of excitement.



    So why does my work stir up such strongreactions? My hunch is that it's about conflict. If you have power in yourworkplace, maybe as a CEO or a senior leader of some kind, you're going to feeluncomfortable with that power being challenged. But if you lack power, or youknow someone who lacks it and needs it, you might grab me by the shoulders andshake me, you're so pumped. But really, we can all benefit from understandingwhat conflict can offer in our workplaces.



    The power imbalance in our workplace isreal, and it's constantly changing. Power moves between us, depending on ourroles and status. Now, sometimes this can feel like office politics, right?Which is never fun. But when we contest for power thoughtfully and togetherwith our coworkers, it can be incredibly productive.



    And it's that kind of productive conflictthat I want to talk to you all about today, the kind that can make some of usuncomfortable. Business leaders should embrace when their workers conflict withpolicies and decisions, both for what it teaches us and for what it says aboutour commitment to each other.



    So what do I mean by "productiveconflict"? Well, let me tell you a story. In 2016, a store employee for anoutdoor retailer -- I'll call her "Alex" -- Alex approached her bossand asked for a raise. Now, she was told her pay was fairly standard for herposition and that her boss didn't even have the authority to give such a raise.And that was supposed to be the end of the conversation. Unhappy with thatanswer, Alex went home, and she decided to create a campaign on coworker.org,asking the corporate office to give raises to store employees. Within days,employees from around the country began joining Alex's effort and sharing theirown stories about what they were earning -- 11, 12 dollars an hour -- and howthat wage was impacting their lives. Some even shared that they had quitrecently to work for competitors who paid more. But here's the thing: they alsoshared that they didn't want to quit, they liked their job, they believed inthe company's mission, but for them, the pay issue was a growing problem intheir work lives. Well, after weeks of this groundswell of employee activism,the company decided to raise wages by five to 15 percent in cities across thecountry. And that's what I mean by productive conflict: pushing up against thethings that aren't working for us when there exists no other path forward.

    那么我说的“有效矛盾”是什么意思?先让我给各位讲个故事。在 2016 年,一家户外零售商的店内员工——我叫她“Alex”——Alex走到她老板跟前要求涨薪,但是老板告诉她,她的工资完全符合她的职位标准,而且她老板本人甚至没有给员工涨薪权限。事情到这里本来就应该结束了。Alex 对于老板的回答很不满意,回到家,她决定在 coworker.org上发起一场运动,要求公司给店内员工涨薪。没几天,全国各地的员工开始加入 Alex 的运动并分享他们自己目前收入的故事——11 或 12 美金时薪——以及那个工资水平是如何影响他们生活的。有些人甚至说他们最近辞职了,去薪水更高的竞争公司工作。但问题是:他们也分享说他们不想要离开,他们喜欢自己的工作,他们相信公司的使命,但对于他们来说,薪水一直是一个日渐增长的问题。在员工运动情绪高涨的几周后,公司决定在国内各个城市加薪 5% - 15%。这就是我说的有效矛盾:在没有其它解决途径的前提下,向上反抗那些对我们不利的事。


    The other thing I learned in doing thiswork is that people engage in productive conflict when they care about theirjobs and their coworkers. Now, that surprised me at first. I expected the worstjobs, the worst workplaces, to have the most employee activism on our site, butthe opposite is often true.



    When we come together, we can accomplishgreat things. At one company, there are more than 50 campaigns by employeesthere on issues ranging from dress code changes to legitimate safety concerns.And get this: that same company has the lowest voluntary turnover rate of anymajor chain in its sector. And it also has one of the higher productivity ratesas well.

    当我们凝聚在一起,我们可以成就大事。有一个公司,有超过 50 个的员工运动,从着装要求的改变到合法合理的安全顾虑。最终结果:相较该行业其它主要连锁公司,这家公司的自愿离职率最低。这家公司也同样有着较高的生产率。


    Business leaders: you shouldn't fearconflict, and you shouldn't try to tamp down on it the minute it bubbles up inyour workforce. While it can introduce uncertainties that can be difficult tomanage, those uncertainties are trying to tell you something about anunderlying problem that needs your attention. And I think this is especially importantright now, you know, as technology transforms nearly everyone's job and as thestructures that contain our work are changing at a pace not seen since theIndustrial Revolution. We all need to be shaping and participating in thefuture of work. We all need to be challenging and changing the parts of ourwork lives that are broken.



    So I hope the next time a coworker invitesyou maybe to join a sign-on letter to your boss, or a group of employees asksfor a meeting to discuss their concerns about the new health care plan, I hopeyou'll consider it an opportunity to build a better workplace, a strongerbusiness and an economy that works for all of us.



    Thank you.




      上一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:下一场全球农业革命 下一篇:演讲MP3+双语文稿:第一种能够治愈癌症的疗法


