【演讲者及介绍】Phil Plait
翻译者 psjmz mz 校对者 Hanlin Wang
Now, people have a lot of misconceptionsabout science -- about how it works and what it is. A big one is that scienceis just a big old pile of facts. But that's not true -- that's not even thegoal of science. Science is a process. It's a way of thinking. Gathering factsis just a piece of it, but it's not the goal. The ultimate goal of science isto understand objective reality the best way we know how, and that's based onevidence.
The problem here is that people are flawed.We can be fooled -- we're really good at fooling ourselves. And so baked intothis process is a way of minimizing our own bias. So sort of boiled down morethan is probably useful, here's how this works. If you want to do some science,what you want to do is you want to observe something ... say, "The sky isblue. Hey, I wonder why?" You question it. The next thing you do is youcome up with an idea that may explain it: a hypothesis. Well, you know what?Oceans are blue. Maybe the sky is reflecting the colors from the ocean. Great,but now you have to test it so you predict what that might mean. Yourprediction would be, "Well, if the sky is reflecting the ocean color, itwill be bluer on the coasts than it will be in the middle of the country."OK, that's fair enough, but you've got to test that prediction so you get on aplane, you leave Denver on a nice gray day, you fly to LA, you look up and thesky is gloriously blue. Hooray, your thesis is proven. But is it really? No.You've made one observation. You need to think about your hypothesis, thinkabout how to test it and do more than just one. Maybe you could go to adifferent part of the country or a different part of the year and see what theweather's like then. Another good idea is to talk to other people. They havedifferent ideas, different perspectives, and they can help you. This is what wecall peer review. And in fact that will probably also save you a lot of moneyand a lot of time, flying coast-to-coast just to check the weather.
Now, what happens if your hypothesis does adecent job but not a perfect job? Well, that's OK, because what you can do isyou can modify it a little bit and then go through this whole process again --make predictions, test them -- and as you do that over and over again, you willhone this idea. And if it gets good enough, it may be accepted by thescientific community, at least provisionally, as a good explanation of what'sgoing on, at least until a better idea or some contradictory evidence comesalong.
Now, part of this process is admitting whenyou're wrong. And that can be really, really hard. Science has its strengthsand weaknesses and they depend on this. One of the strengths of science is thatit's done by people, and it's proven itself to do a really good job. Weunderstand the universe pretty well because of science. One of science'sweaknesses is that it's done by people, and we bring a lot of baggage alongwith us when we investigate things. We are egotistical, we are stubborn, we'resuperstitious, we're tribal, we're humans -- these are all human traits andscientists are humans. And so we have to be aware of that when we're studyingscience and when we're trying to develop our theses. But part of this wholething, part of this scientific process, part of the scientific method, isadmitting when you're wrong. I know, I've been there.
Many years ago I was working on HubbleSpace Telescope, and a scientist I worked with came to me with some data, andhe said, "I think there may be a picture of a planet orbiting another starin this data." We had not had any pictures taken of planets orbiting otherstars yet, so if this were true, then this would be the first one and we wouldbe the ones who found it. That's a big deal. I was very excited, so I just dugright into this data. I spent a long time trying to figure out if this thingwere a planet or not. The problem is planets are faint and stars are bright, sotrying to get the signal out of this data was like trying to hear a whisper ina heavy metal concert -- it was really hard. I tried everything I could, butafter a month of working on this, I came to a realization ... couldn't do it. Ihad to give up. And I had to tell this other scientist, "The data's toomessy. We can't say whether this is a planet or not." And that was hard.Then later on we got follow-up observations with Hubble, and it showed that itwasn't a planet. It was a background star or galaxy, something like that.
Well, not to get too technical, but thatsucked.
I was really unhappy about this. But that'spart of it. You have to say, "Look, you know, we can't do this with thedata we have." And then I had to face up to the fact that even thefollow-up data showed we were wrong. Emotionally I was pretty unhappy. But if ascientist is doing their job correctly, being wrong is not so bad because thatmeans there's still more stuff out there -- more things to figure out.
我对此真的非常失落。但就这是科学的一部分。你不得不承认,“看吧,我们无法用现有数据进行分析。”随后我还得面对 后续的数据证明 我们是错的这个事实。情感上,我非常失落。但如果一个科学家正确地进行了研究,犯了错误并不是坏事,因为这意味着在此之外还有更多事物——更多的东西等待着我们去探索。
Scientists don't love being wrong but welove puzzles, and the universe is the biggest puzzle of them all. Now havingsaid that, if you have a piece and it doesn't fit no matter how you move it,jamming it in harder isn't going to help. There's going to be a time when youhave to let go of your idea if you want to understand the bigger picture. Theprice of doing science is admitting when you're wrong, but the payoff is thebest there is: knowledge and understanding. And I can give you a thousandexamples of this in science, but there's one I really like. It has to do withastronomy, and it was a question that had been plaguing astronomers literallyfor centuries.
When you look at the Sun, it seems special.It is the brightest object in the sky, but having studied astronomy, physics,chemistry, thermodynamics for centuries, we learned something very importantabout it. It's not that special. It's a star just like millions of other stars.But that raises an interesting question. If the Sun is a star and the Sun hasplanets, do these other stars have planets? Well, like I said with my ownfailure in the "planet" I was looking for, finding them is superhard, but scientists tend to be pretty clever people and they used a lot ofdifferent techniques and started observing stars. And over the decades theystarted finding some things that were pretty interesting, right on the thin,hairy edge of what they were able to detect. But time and again, it was shownto be wrong.
That all changed in 1991. A couple ofastronomers -- Alexander Lyne -- Andrew Lyne, pardon me -- and Matthew Bailes,had a huge announcement. They had found a planet orbiting another star. And notjust any star, but a pulsar, and this is the remnant of a star that haspreviously exploded. It's blasting out radiation. This is the last place in theuniverse you would expect to find a planet, but they had very methodicallylooked at this pulsar, and they detected the gravitational tug of this planetas it orbited the pulsar. It looked really good. The first planet orbitinganother star had been found ... except not so much.
After they made the announcement, a bunchof other astronomers commented on it, and so they went back and looked at theirdata and realized they had made a very embarrassing mistake. They had notaccounted for some very subtle characteristics of the Earth's motion around theSun, which affected how they measured this planet going around the pulsar. Andit turns out that when they did account for it correctly, poof -- their planetdisappeared. It wasn't real.
So Andrew Lyne had a very formidable task.He had to admit this. So in 1992 at the American Astronomical Society meeting,which is one of the largest gatherings of astronomers on the planet, he stoodup and announced that he had made a mistake and that the planet did not exist.And what happened next -- oh, I love this -- what happened next was wonderful.He got an ovation. The astronomers weren't angry at him; they didn't want tochastise him. They praised him for his honesty and his integrity. I love that!Scientists are people.
And it gets better!
Lyne steps off the podium. The next guy tocome up is a man named Aleksander Wolszczan He takes the microphone and says,"Yeah, so Lyne's team didn't find a pulsar planet, but my team found notjust one but two planets orbiting a different pulsar. We knew about the problemthat Lyne had, we checked for it, and yeah, ours are real." And it turnsout he was right. And in fact, a few months later, they found a third planetorbiting this pulsar and it was the first exoplanet system ever found -- whatwe call alien worlds -- exoplanets. That to me is just wonderful.
At that point the floodgates were opened.In 1995 a planet was found around a star more like the Sun, and then we foundanother and another. This is an image of an actual planet orbiting an actualstar. We kept getting better at it. We started finding them by the bucketload.We started finding thousands of them. We built observatories specificallydesigned to look for them. And now we know of thousands of them. We even knowof planetary systems.
That is actual data, animated, showing fourplanets orbiting another star. This is incredible. Think about that. For all ofhuman history, you could count all the known planets in the universe on twohands -- nine -- eight? Nine? Eight -- eight.
这是真实的数据,动画显示了围绕另一颗恒星运行的四颗行星。真是难以置信,想想看吧。纵观人类历史,用两只手就可以算出宇宙中所有的行星—— 9——8个? 9个?8——8个。
But now we know they're everywhere. Everystar -- for every star you see in the sky there could be three, five, tenplanets. The sky is filled with them. We think that planets may outnumber starsin the galaxy. This is a profound statement, and it was made because ofscience. And it wasn't made just because of science and the observatories andthe data; it was made because of the scientists who built the observatories,who took the data, who made the mistakes and admitted them and then let other scientistsbuild on their mistakes so that they could do what they do and figure out whereour place is in the universe. That is how you find the truth. Science is at itsbest when it dares to be human.
Thank you.
(Applause and cheers)