Scene 45 诊治
❶ 这里疼吗?Any pain here?
这样回答 Yes, a little when you press here. 是的,你按这里的时候有点疼。
No, it doesn't pain here. 不,这里不疼。
❷ 这样有多久了?How long have you had it?
这样回答 I don't remember the exact day. 我记不清确切的日子了。
对话 A: How long have you had it? 这样有多久了?
B: About one week. 大约一个星期。
❸ 什么时候开始有这种感觉的?When did it start feeling like this?
同类表达 Has this problem been going on long? 这种情况已持续很长时间了吗?
这样回答 Just started yesterday. 昨天才开始的。
❹ 你以前有过这种情况吗?Has this ever happened to you before?
对话 A: Has this ever happened to you before? 你以前有过这种情况吗?
B: Yes. It's been a problem for about five months. 是的,差不多五个月了。
❺ 怎么啦?What's wrong?
同类表达 What's the matter? 怎么啦?
What seems to be the problem? 有什么问题?
❻ 你能说一说症状吗?Can you describe the symptoms?
同类表达 What kind of symptoms do you have? 你有什么样的症状?
对话 A: Can you describe the symptoms? 你能说一说症状吗?
B: I have a headache and a sore throat. 我头疼,嗓子疼。
❼ 请问你有高血压或糖尿病的病史吗?Do you have a history of hypertension or diabetes?
这样回答 I have been taking medicine of hypertension since last month. 我从上个月开始一直在服用高血压的药。
❽ 您目前有没有服用药物?Do you regularly take any medication?
对话 A: Do you regularly take any medication? 您目前有没有服用药物?
B: I am on medication of insulin. 我正在服用胰岛素。
❾ 我的身体出问题了吗?Is there anything wrong with my body?
同类表达 What is wrong with me?
What's the matter with me?
对话 A: Is there anything wrong with my body? 我的身体出问题了吗?
B: You need a more detailed examination. 你需要更详细的检查。
❿ 我不会弄疼您的。I'm not going to do anything to hurt you.
对话 A: Does it pain? 会疼吗?
B: Relax, I'm not going to do anything to hurt you. I will just press your belly. 放松,我不会弄疼你的。我只按一下你的腹部。