Day 31 Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.
Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.
本题属于条件类命题(意味着它与非此即彼的 Agree/Disagree类题目有所不同)。我们可以不同意原文观点,也可以在原文条件下同意,甚至可以在除原文条件之外的情况下依然赞同该观点。
(3)就你所知,哪些物种的灭绝与人类相关?例如,亚洲猎豹( Asiatic Cheetah)因人类破坏生态环境以及过度猎杀而于 1948年灭绝。哪些与人类不相关?例如:恐龙的灭绝是自然环境变化的结果。
Many scientists believed that climate change and the subsequent habitat destruction were responsible for the extinction of many prehistoric animals. Yet results of recent researches have cast doubt on this hypothesis and pointed to human hunting as the primary reason for their disappearance.
灭绝一直都在发生,但是近些年人类对地球表面的有意的改变已经使物种在以比自然进程高 1 000倍的速度消失。这种改变包括过度狩猎、清除大片森林、将物种从原有栖息地运送到新的大陆、释放数十亿吨的二氧化碳到大气和海洋中并因此改变气候等。
Extinction has always been occuring, yet human beings' deliberate alterations of the Earth's landscape in recent years have caused species to vanish at a rate 1,000 times that of natural processes. Such alterations consist of overhunting, clearing away great reaches of forest, transporting species from their natural habitats to new continents, pumping billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and oceans, thus transforming the climate and so on.
Given our limited understanding of how nature works, it is impossible to judge which species have become endangered due to man's actions and which not. The only thing we are certain is that so far, man's vicious intrusion into nature has caused many species to die out, many of which might still be alive if they had been left alone.