刘文勇GRE写作百日题库 Day 41
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    Day 41 The greatness of individuals can bedecided only by those who live after them,not by their contemporaries

    The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

    Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.






    (5)一对著名的师生——哲学家维特根斯坦和哲学家图灵,长期就各种问题进行争论。当时的人们对前者更为尊重,认为维特根斯坦是继黑格尔之后又一位伟大的哲学家。但到 20世纪末期,人们往往认为后者也就是图灵对人类的贡献更大。当时有一句著名的评语是这样的:“无论如何,图灵给后人留下了计算机智能。而维特根斯坦,他给后人留下了……维特根斯坦。”有趣的是,在最近的十几年中,对于维特根斯坦的研究日益活跃,人们倾向于认为,维特根斯坦留下了一笔前人未曾发现的财富——他的思想宝库。你对以上的这个小故事作何感想?人们对一个人或事物的评价是固定的吗?在不同的时代是一样的吗?


    人们的评价会随着时间的流逝而改变,这从人们对维特根斯坦和图灵的争论中可以看出。与他们同时代的人普遍把前者视作自黑格尔之后最伟大的哲学家,与此相反, 20世纪末期的人们认为后者对人类发展做出了更大的贡献。但是,近些年,人们的评价又开始偏向前者。


    People's judgment may change over time, as is demonstrated in the debate over Wittgenstein and Alan Turing. Their contemporaries generally viewed the former as the greatest philosopher after Hegel; people in the late 20th century, by contrast, believed that the latter had contributed more to the development of human being. In recent years, however, people begin to lean towards the former again.


    考虑到人们关于“伟大”的观念会随着时间而改变,评判一个人更加合适的方法是认识到他(她)对同时代人以及对后代人的影响,并且从贡献和局限性两个方面( in terms of)来作出评价。


    Considering that people's conception about“greatness”may change over time, a more proper way to evaluate an individual is to recognize both his/her influence upon people of the same time period and upon those after that, and in terms of both contributions and limitations.

      上一篇:刘文勇GRE写作百日题库 Day 40 下一篇:刘文勇GRE写作百日题库 Day 42


