Day 63 There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts—especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species
There is little justification for society to make extraordinary efforts— especially at a great cost in money and jobs—to save endangered animal or plant species.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
(1)你知道的濒临灭绝的物种(无论是动物还是植物)有哪些?它们的近况如何?你能具体地说一说吗?(如果还不知道自己了解的动植物的英文名称,要赶紧查字典。)例如:熊猫( Panda)现在属于中国国家一级保护动物;水杉( Dawn Redwood)属于“活化石”树种,是工矿区绿化的优良树种,现已被列为中国国家一级濒危植物。
(2)你能否分别讨论以下两个物种灭绝或濒临灭绝的过程?其中一种代表(主要)由于自然选择而导致难以在自然界生存下去的物种,另一种代表(主要)由于人类的影响或破坏而濒临灭绝的物种。例如:在人类文明诞生以前,恐龙就因自然环境发生剧变而灭绝了;而北美旅鸽( Passenger Pigeon)曾经有几十亿只在美国存活,但由于一百多年前殖民者开发美洲时大量捕食,这种鸟在 1914年就灭绝了。
At least five mass extinctions occured during the past 540 million years, yet they were the result of natural disasters such as ice age, asteroid impact or volcanic eruption. Today, animals and plants are dying out at a rate as fast as that of the past five extinctions or even higher. Many scientists hence believe that the Earth is on the brink of a sixth mass extinction; only this time it is human beings who are driving species out.