Day 65 Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws
Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
(3)一项法律条文的公正与否,是非黑即白的吗?是否可能存在这样的情况:一项看起来正义(甚至在社会上被广为接受的)的法律条文,可能在另外一个国家或另外一个时代被广泛认为是不正义的?比如:新加坡的法律明令禁止进口及销售口香糖( chewing gum),触犯法律的人将被判处一年以下的监禁并罚款,但在中国却没有这样的法律。
我们应该以法律能够为其所服务的人群带来的普遍利益来评判法律的公正性(可用短语 in terms of)。单纯地将它们划分为公正的和不公正的是不明智且不切实际的,因为没有一条法律对所有涉及的人来说都是绝对公正的。此外,尽管法律在大多数情况下是和我们的道德规范相一致的,但是有些时候可能与其发生冲突。在这种时候,我们应该简单地给它们贴上“不公正”的标签并反对它们吗?
Laws should be judged in terms of the general welfare they can bring to the group of people they are created for. It is unwise and impractical to divide them into just and unjust, since no piece of law can be absolutely just for all the people involved. Besides, laws, though most of the time in accordance with the ethics we share, may sometimes come into conflict with them. Should we simply label them“unjust”at these times and fight aginst them?