Day 132 Some people believe that our everincreasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction
Some people believe that our ever-increasing use of technology significantly reduces our opportunities for human interaction. Other people believe that technology provides us with new and better ways to communicate and connect with one another.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.
(4)你能否尝试依据交流的目的给问题( 1)中提及的各种交流形式加一个标签?再利用这些标签下一个结论,说说你认为十年后的交流形式会是什么样的?人们对交流的预期是否在随着交流形式的变化而变化?新的交流方式提高了工作交流效率,提高了人与人之间交流的频率,但是否会使人与人之间的交流流于表面?想象一下十年后基于网络的交流可能会取代其他交流方式,人们可以随时随地进行视频交流。你还能想到其他可能吗?
人们对网络和电子设备的痴迷有时和最初发明它们的目的——增强人际互动——是相矛盾的。人们现在花费越来越多的时间在智能手机或电脑上浏览网页、看电视剧或玩游戏;即便当他们需要和其他人交流的时候,他们也会打电话或者在 twitter、facebook上跟人聊天。面对面交流的时间已经急剧减少了。
People's obsession with Internet and electrical devices is sometimes at odds with the original purpose of devising them—to facilitate interaction. People now are spending more and more time browsing websites, watching TV series or playing games on computer or on their smart phones; even when they need to communicate with other people, they call them or chat with them on twitter or facebook. The time they communicate face to face has plummeted.
Before the invention of telephone, writing letters was a way to compensate for people's lack of communication when they live far away from each other. This practice has been largely abandoned now as people can easily exchange their views through cell phones, emails and other means of communication.