Day 42 Erosion of beach sand along the shores of Tria Island is a serious threat to our island and our tourist industry
The following is a letter to the head of the tourism bureau on the island of Tria.
“Erosion of beach sand along the shores of Tria Island is a serious threat to our island and our tourist industry. In order to stop the erosion, we should charge people for using the beaches. Although this solution may annoy a few tourists in the short term, it will raise money for replenishing the sand. Replenishing the sand, as was done to protect buildings on the nearby island of Batia, will help protect buildings along our shores, thereby reducing these buildings' risk of additional damage from severe storms. And since beaches and buildings in the area will be preserved, Tria's tourist industry will improve over the long term.”
Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.
(1)“Erosion of beach sand along the shores of Tria Island is a serious threat to our island and our tourist industry”是事实,“In order to stop the erosion, we should charge people for using the beaches”是结论,值得反驳吗?
(4)原文中并未讨论海滩周边的建筑物是否需要通过保护海滩来进行进一步的保护?是否存在这样一种可能性:海边的建筑物事实上并不受保护海滩过程的影响。原文也并未提及建筑物与风暴之间的关系。另外, Batia岛的做法一定适合 Tria岛吗?两个岛的状况是一样的吗?例如:在人口、地理条件等方面存在差异。