Day 63 Through out the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league sports, over 40,000 of these young players suffered injuries
The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Parkville Daily newspaper.
“Through out the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league sports, over 40,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-league soccer players in several major cities also reported psychological pressure exerted by coaches and parents to win games. Furthermore, education experts say that long practice sessions for these sports take away time that could be used for academic activities. Since the disadvantages outweigh any advantages, we in Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine.”
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
(1)“we in Parkville should discontinue organized athletic competition for children under nine”是结论,其余部分是事实,值得反驳吗?
(2)受伤人数超过 4万,比以前多还是少?在没有给出可比较的数据的情况下, 4万有参考意义吗?
(4)education experts所说的就一定是正确的吗?另外,对于孩子们来说,运动一定就不如学业重要吗?不参加体育活动就会增加学生们学习的时间吗?只学习不运动是否会对孩子的身体发育不利呢?