269 date与day
1 date 意为“日期”,指具体的年、月、日。
What is the date today?今天几号?
The date of her birth is April 8th, 1983. 她出生的日期是1983年4月8号。
I can't see the date on the letter. 我看不清信上的日期。
2 day 表示“1天,1日”,可用单数或复数。
One day is enough. 1天就够了。
There are seven days in a week. 1周有7天。
3 day 表示“白天,日间”,是night 的反义词。
In winter the days are short and the nights are long. 冬天昼短夜长。
Days are getting longer. 白天变长了。
4 day 表示“时代,年代”,用复数形式。
How happy we were in our school days ! 在学生时代,我们多么幸福呀!
He was poor in the old days . 他过去很穷。
Radios are very cheap these days .(正) 现在收音机很便宜 。
Radios are very cheap in these days . (正) (these days前可用介词 )
注意下面由day构成的短语:by day(在白天),in the day (在白天),day after day (一天又一天),the day after tomorrow (后天),these days (现在,如今),the day before yesterday (前天),to this day (直到今天),one day (某一天)。