346 beat, hit, knock, pat, tap和strike
1 beat 意为“打,敲打”,表示连续击打,是一种有意的动作;beat 还表示“(脉搏、心脏)跳动”。
The man beat the boy with a stick. 那男人用棍子打男孩。
The waves beat against the rocks. 海浪击打着岩石。
She heard someone beating a drum. 她听见有人在击鼓。
His heart is beating very fast. 他的心跳得很快。
The rain beat in our faces. 雨打在我们脸上。
2 hit 意为“撞,碰撞,击中”,强调一次性有目标地打击、打中某一点;hit 还表示“说中,猜对”。
The car hit the tree. 汽车撞到了树上。
The stone hit her on the head. 石头打中了她的头。
You have hit it. 你猜对了!(说中了)
3 knock 指用手、拳或其他硬的东西“敲,击,打”。
Someone is knocking at the window. 有人在敲窗户。
He kept knocking on the table. 他不停地敲着桌子。
I heard a knock at the door. 我听到了敲门声。
4 pat 意为“轻拍,轻叩”,多表示爱抚。
The teacher patted him on the shoulder. 老师轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀。
The manager patted Jim on the back and said a few encouraging words. 经理轻拍着吉姆的背,说了几句鼓励的话。
5 tap 意为“轻叩,轻拍”,指用手指尖等轻拍。
The teacher tapped the desk with his ruler. 老师用尺子轻敲桌子。
6 strike 指突然或急促地用力打击或敲击,有意或无意。
She struck him in the face. 她打了他一记耳光。
The man was struck down. 那男的被击倒了。