520 Do come here是什么结构
do 可以用来表示强调,放在动词前,意为“一定,务必”。
Do come here tomorrow. 明天一定要来。
Do be careful. 务必小心。
Do finish the work on time. 务必按时完成工作。
She does like the book. 她确实喜欢这本书。(不可说She does likes the book. )
I did see her walk into the room. 我确实看见她走进了那个房间。(不可说I did saw her walk into the room. )
That is exactly what he does always say. 那正是他常说的话。
I do believe you. 我真的是相信你的。
Do be patient! 千万要耐心啊!