18-Friday 艺术节 213词
题材: 艺术节 词数: 213 建议阅读时间: 4.5分钟
is filled with played by to why not the best
shows until but what about hundred
Every year,thousands of people come to Edinburgh,the capital city of Scotland,to be part of the Edinburgh Festival.For three weeks every August and September,the city 1 actors and artists from all over the world.They come to Edinburgh for the biggest art festival in Britain.During this time the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early morning 2 late at night.You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets.One of 3 parts of the Festival is the“Fringe”,where students do comedy 4 in small halls and cafes.
Tens of thousands of tourists come to the Festival to see new films and plays and hear music 5 famous musicians.This year,you can see over five 6 performances with actors from more than forty countries.
The tickets for these performances are quite cheap and it is usually easier to see your favorite star in Edinburgh than it is in London.So come to Edinburgh next summer, 7 remember it can be difficult to find a room,so 8 book your hotel now?
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________
5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________
capital n. 首都,州府,省会;中心:Tallahassee is the state capital of Florida.塔拉哈西是佛罗里达州的首府。
fringe n. 边缘:The woodcutter had a little house on the fringes of the forest.伐木工人在树林边有一间小屋。
comedy n. 喜剧:The new channel will bring you the best in drama,music,and comedy.新频道将给你带来最好的戏剧、音乐和喜剧节目。
performance n. 表演:The school drama society will give a performance of Hamlet .学校的戏剧协会将演出《哈姆雷特》。
(第二次世界大战让欧洲大陆艺术遭受空前浩劫。当时,英国一家歌剧院经理与许多艺术界知名人士群聚伦敦,谈到艺术家在战争期间所面临的困境,兴起在英国本土找一个未受战争破坏的地方办艺术节的念头,期望重新为欧洲艺术家找到一个可以互相交流的舞台。经3年筹划,终于在1947年举办了第一届爱丁堡国际艺术节。当时全欧最负盛名的一些音乐家及维也纳爱乐交响乐团,都在首届艺术节齐聚爱丁堡,可说是办得相当成功。可当时其他小型表演团体,却在来到这座城市之后被拒于表演大堂之外,于是有8家剧院愤而另组一个艺术节,即边缘艺术节(Edinburgh Festival Fringe),50年来,该组织相当争气地由一个被视为锦上添花的角色,跃身节庆要角。)
Friday 1.is filled with 2.until 3.the best 4.shows 5.played by 6.hundred 7.but 8.why not