20-Monday 消毒法 245词
题材: 消毒法 词数: 245 建议阅读时间: 5分钟
Take a look at the label on almost any bottle of milk and you may see the word PASTEURIZED.What does that mean?Let's find out by meeting Louis Pasteur.
Louis Pasteur was born in 1822 in a little town in France.As he grew up,he loved to paint.He loved to look at the world around him.When he went to college in Paris,he showed interest in looking through a microscope.A microscope makes things look a lot bigger; it lets you see things you can't see just with your eyes.Looking through a microscope,Pasteur found a living world in a drop of water.He saw and drew pictures of the small living things—he called them“Microbes”or“germs”—that crowded in a drop of water.
One day a winemaker came into the lab,hoping that someone could help him with his problem.“Sometimes my wine tastes delicious,but sometimes terrible,”he said to Pasteur.“Can you help me find out why?”
Pasteur put some drops of the wine under the microscope.He noticed that the terrible wine had some unusual germs.If he killed these germs,maybe he could keep the wine from turning terrible.He tried with different ways to kill the germs.In the end he found heating the wine seemed to work best.The winemaker tried it,and every bottle of wine tasted good.
Pasteur's idea worked for other people,too.When farmers heated milk,it didn't turn bad so quickly.When breweries (啤酒厂) heated beer,it tasted better.People called it“pasteurization”—heating a liquid to kill bad germs.Aren't you glad that the milk you drink has been pasteurized?
pasteurized adj. 经过巴斯德氏消毒法消毒的
microscope n. 显微镜:This is a section of a potato as seen through a microscope.这是一个通过显微镜观察到的马铃薯的剖面。
1.Pasteur received college education in Paris.
2.Microbes were found by Louis Pasteur with the help of a microscope.
3.Germs only live in something that is bad.
4.Louis found the way to kill the unusual germs in the wine by chance.
5.Everybody knows what the word PASTEURIZED means.
6.Pasteurization is used to kill bad germs in the milk we drink.
Monday 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T