双语·返老还童:菲茨杰拉德短篇小说选 重回巴比伦 五
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    Charlie went directly to the Ritz bar with the furious idea of finding Lorraine and Duncan, but they were not there, and he realized that in any case there was nothing he could do. He had not touched his drink at the Peters', and now he ordered a whisky-and-soda. Paul came over to say hello.

    “It's a great change,” he said sadly. “We do about half the business we did. So many fellows I hear about back in the States lost everything, maybe not in the first crash, but then in the second. Your friend George Hardt lost every cent, I hear. Are you back in the States?”

    “No, I'm in business in Prague.”

    “I heard that you lost a lot in the crash.”

    “I did,” and he added grimly, “but I lost everything I wanted in the boom.”

    “Selling short.”

    “Something like that.”

    Again the memory of those days swept over him like a nightmare—the people they had met traveling; then people who couldn't add a row of figures or speak a coherent sentence. The little man Helen had consented to dance with at the ship's party, who had insulted her ten feet from the table; the women and girls carried screaming with drink or drugs out of public places—

    —The men who locked their wives out in the snow, because the snow of twenty-nine wasn't real snow. If you didn't want it to be snow, you just paid some money.

    He went to the phone and called the Peters' apartment; Lincoln answered.

    “I called up because this thing is on my mind. Has Marion said anything definite?”

    “Marion's sick,” Lincoln answered shortly. “I know this thing isn't altogether your fault, but I can't have her go to pieces about it. I'm afraid we'll have to let it slide for six months; I can't take the chance of working her up to this state again.”

    “I see.”

    “I'm sorry, Charlie.”

    He went back to his table. His whisky glass was empty, but he shook his head when Alix looked at it questioningly. There wasn't much he could do now except send Honoria some things; he would send her a lot of things tomorrow. He thought rather angrily that this was just money—he had given so many people money.…

    “No, no more,” he said to another waiter. “What do I owe you?”

    He would come back some day; they couldn't make him pay forever. But he wanted his child, and nothing was much good now, beside that fact. He wasn't young any more, with a lot of nice thoughts and dreams to have by himself. He was absolutely sure Helen wouldn't have wanted him to be so alone.


    重回巴比伦 五


















    * * *

    (1) 小说中的巴比伦指的是巴黎,因为当时的巴黎繁华如古代的巴比伦。

    (2) 后面还会出现一个谢佛尔,那是邓肯·谢佛尔,实为两个人。

    (3) 《更为缓慢些》(La Plus Que Lent)是法国作曲家德彪西(Claude Debussy)所作的曲子。

    (4) 约瑟芬·贝克是美国著名的黑人舞蹈家和歌唱家,长期在法国演出,后来加入法国籍。

    (5) 蒙马特高地是巴黎北部的一个区。

    (6) 查尔斯是查理的正式名字。

    (7) 邓克是邓肯的昵称。

    (8) 小说中出现了两个谢佛尔,实际上是两个不同的人:前面出现的谢佛尔是查理的熟人斯诺·博德的朋友,查理在丽兹酒吧留下地址,希望和他取得联系;这里的谢佛尔是查理直接认识的,是他大学时代的一个朋友,是查理十分不想见的一个人,他没有给其留下任何地址线索。

      上一篇:双语·返老还童:菲茨杰拉德短篇小说选 重回巴比伦 四 下一篇:双语·返老还童:菲茨杰拉德短篇小说选 疯狂的礼拜天 一


