NOW is Bruin gone on his way toward the Fox with a stout mood, which supposed well that the Fox should not have beguiled him. As he came in a dark wood in a forest whereas Reynart had a bypath when he was hunted, there beside was an high mountain and land, and there must Bruin in the middle goon over for to go to Maleperdays. For Reynart had many a dwelling-place, but the Castle of Maleperdays was the best and the fastest burgh that he had. There lay he in when he had need, and was in any dread or fear. Now when Bruin was come to Maleperdays, he found the gate fast shut. Tho went he before the gate, and sat upon his tail, and called,“Reynart, be you at home? I am Browning. The King has sent me for you that you should come to Court, for to plead your cause. He has sworn there by his God, come you not, or bring I you not with me, for to abide such right and sentence as shall be there given, it shall cost you your life. He will hang you or set you on the rack. Reynart, do by my counsel, and come to the Court.”
Reynart lay within the gate, as he oft was wont to do, for the warmth of the sun. When Reynart heard Bruin, tho went he inward into his hole. For Maleperdays was full of holes, here one hole and there another, and yonder another, narrow, crooked and long, with many ways to go out, which he opened and shut after that he had need. When he had any prey brought home, or that he wist that any sought him for his misdeeds and trespasses, then he ran and hid him from his enemies into his secret chambers, that they could not find him; by which he deceived many a beast that sought him. And tho thought Reynard in himself how he might best bring the Bear in charge and need, and that he abode in worship.
In this thought Reynart came out, and said,“Bruin, Eme, you be welcome! I heard you well before, but I was in my evensong, therefore have I the longer tarried a little. Dear Eme, he has done to you no good service, and I con him no thank, that has sent you over this long hill; for I see that you be also weary, that the sweat runs down by your cheeks. It was no need I had nevertheless come to Court to-morrow: but I sorrow now the less, for your wise counsel shall well help me in the Court. And could the King find none less messenger but you for to send hither? That is great wonder. For next the King you be the most gentle, and richest of levies and of land. I would well that we were now at the Court, but I fear me that I shall not con well go thither, for I have eaten so much new meat that me thinks my belly will break or cleave asunder, and because the meat was new I ate the more.”
Tho spake the Bear,“Lief Neve, what meat have you eaten that maked you so full?”
“Dear Eme, that I ate, what might it help you that if I told you? I ate but simple meat. A poor man is no lord, that may you know, Eme, by me. We poor folk must eat often such as we gladly would not eat if we had better. They were great honey combs; which I must needs eat for hunger. They have made my belly so great that I can nowhere endure.”
Bruin then spake anon,“Alas, Reynart, what say you! Set you so little by honey? Me ought to prize and love it above all meat. Lief Reynart, help me that I might get a deal of this honey, and as long as I live I shall be to you a true friend, and abide by you, as far as you help me that I may have a part of this honey.”