Esegrim came proudly over the field before the King, and he thanked the Queen, and spake with a fell mood ill words on the Fox, in suchwise that the King heard it and was wroth, and made the Wolf and the Bear anon to be arrested. You saw never wood dogs do more harm than was done to them. They were both fast bounden, so sore that all that night they might not stir hand nor foot. They might scarcely roar nor move any joint. Now hear how the Fox forth did. He hated them. He laboured so to the Queen that he got leave for to have as much of the Bear's skin upon his rigge as a foot long and a foot broad, for to make him thereof a scrip; then was the Fox ready if he had four strong shoon. Now hear how he did for to get these shoon. He said to the Queen,“Madam, I am your pilgrim. Here is my Eme, Sir Esegrim, that has four strong shoon which were good for me. If he would let me have two of them I would on the way busily think on your soul, for it is right that a pilgrim should always think and pray for them that do him good. Thus may you do your soul good if you will. And also if you might get of my aunt Dame Ersewynde also two of her shoon to give me, she may well do it, for she goes but little out, but abides alway at home.”
Then said the Queen,“Reynart, you behoves well such shoes; you may not be without them. They shall be good for you to keep your feet whole for to pass with them many a sharp mountain and stony rocks. You can find no better shoes for you than such as Esegrim and his wife have and wear. They be good and strong. Though it should touch their life, each of them shall give you two shoes for to accomplish with your high pilgrimage.”