THE Fox said,“Bellyn, remember you not that yesterday the King and his council commanded me that ere I should depart out of this land I should send to him two letters? Dear cousin, I pray you to bear them, they be ready written.”
The Ram said,“I wot never. If I wist that your inditing and writing were good, you might peradventure so much pray me that I would bear them, if I had anything to bear them in.”
Reynart said,“You shall not fail to have somewhat to bear them in. Rather than they should be unborne I shall rather give you my male that I bear; and put the King's letters therein, and hang them about your neck. You shall have of the King great thanks therefor, and be right welcome to him.”
Hereupon Bellyn promised him to bear these letters.
Tho returned Reynart into his house and took the male and put therein Cuwart's head, and brought it to Bellyn for to bring him in danger, and hang it on his neck, and charged him not to look in the male if he would have the King's friendship.“And if you will that the King take you into his grace and love you, say that you yourself have made the letter and indited it, and have given the counsel that it is so well made and written. You shall have great thanks therefor.”
Bellyn the Ram was glad hereof, and thought he should have great thanks, and said,“Reynart, I wot well that you now do for me. I shall be in the Court greatly praised when it is known that I can indite and make a letter, though I cannot make it. Often it happens that God suffers some to have worship and thank of the labours and cunning of other men, and so it shall befall me now. Now, what counsel you, Reynart? Shall Cuwart the Hare come with me to the Court?”
“Nay,”said the Fox,“he shall anon follow you. He may not yet come, for he must speak with his Aunt. Now go you forth before. I shall show to Cuwart secret things which are not yet known.”
Bellyn said,“Farewell, Reynart,”and went him forth to the Court. And he ran and hasted so fast, that he came before midday to the Court, and found the King in his palace with his Barons. The King marvelled when he saw him bring the male again which was made of the Bear's skin. The King said,“Say on, Bellyn, from whence come you? Where is the Fox? How is it that he has not the male with him?”
Bellyn said,“My Lord, I shall say you all that I know. I accompanied Reynart unto his house. And when he was ready, he asked me if I that would for your sake bear two letters to you. I said, for to do you pleasure and worship, I would gladly bear to you seven. Tho brought he to me this male wherein the letters be, which are indited by my cunning, and I gave counsel of the making of them. I think you saw never letters better nor craftlier made nor indited.”
The King commanded anon Bokart, his secretary, to read the letters, for he understood all manner languages. Tybert the Cat and he took the male off Bellyn's neck, and Bellyn has so far said and confessed that he therefore was dampned.
The clerk Bokwart undid the male, and drew out Cuwart's head, and said,“Alas, what letters are these! Certainly, my Lord, this is Cuwart's head.”
“Alas,”said the King,“that ever I believed so the Fox!”There might men see great heaviness of the King and of the Queen. The King was so angry that he held long down his head, and at last, after many thoughts, he made a great cry, that all the beasts were afraid of the noise.
Tho spake Sir Firapeel the Leopard, which was sybbe somewhat to the King, and said,“Sire King, how make you such a noise! You make sorrow enough though the Queen were dead. Let this sorrow go, and make good cheer. It is great shame. Be you not a Lord and King of this land? Is it not all under you, that here is?”
The King said,“Sir Firapeel, how should I suffer this? One false shrew and deceiver has betrayed me and brought me so far, that I have forwrought and angered my friends the stout Bruin the Bear and Esegrim the Wolf, which sore me repents. And this goes against my worship, that I have done amiss against my best Barons, and that I trusted and believed so much the false Fox. And my wife is cause thereof. She prayed me so much that I heard her prayer, and that me repents, though it be too late.”
“What though, Sir King,”said the Leopard.“If there be any thing misdone it shall be amended. We shall give to Bruin the Bear to Esegrim the Wolf and to Ersewynde his wife for the piece of his skin and for their shoes, for to have good peace, Bellyn the Ram. For he has confessed himself that he gave counsel and consented to Cuward's death. It is reason that he abyou it. And we all shall go fetch Reynart, and we shall arrest him and hang him by the neck, without law or judgment. And there with all shall be content.”