THIS pain did him more sorrow and woe than his eyou did that so sore bled, and also it made him to overthrow all in a swoon. Then Reynart the Fox leapt upon him with all his might, and caught him by the legs, and drew him forth through the field that they all might see it, and he stack and smote him sore. Then were Esegrim's friends all full of sorrow, and went all weeping unto their Lord the King, and prayed him that he would do cease the battle, and take it up into his hand.
The King granted it. And then went the keepers of the field the Leopard and the Lossem and said to the Fox and to the Wolf,“Our Lord the King will speak with you, and will that this battle be ended. He will take it into his hand. He desires that you will give your strife unto him, for if any of you here were slain it should be great shame on both sides. For you have as much worship of this field as you may have.”
And they said to the Fox,“All the beasts give to you the prize that have seen this battle.”
The Fox said,“Thereof I thank them, and what that shall please my lord to command that shall not I gainsay. I desire no better but to have won the field. Let my friends come hither to me. I will take advice of them what I shall do.”
They said,“That they thought it good; and also it was reason in weighty matters a man should take advice of his friends.”
Then came Dame Slopecade and Grymbart the Dasse her husband, Dame Rukenawe with her two sisters, Byteluys and Fulrompe her two sons and Hatenit her daughter, the Flyndermows and the Weasel. And there came more than twenty which would not have come if the Fox had lost the field. So who that winns and comes to hys aboue, he gets great loos and worship: and who that is overthrown and has the worse, to him will no man gladly come. There came also to the Fox the Beaver, the Otter and both their wives Panthecrote and Ordegale. And the Ostrole, the Marten, the Fitchews, the Ferret, the Mouse, and the Squirrel, and many more than I can name. And all because he had won the field. Yea some came that before had complained on him, and were now of his next kin, and they showed him right friendly cheer and countenance. Thus fares the world now. Who that is rich and high on the wheel, he has many kinsmen and friends that shall help to bear out his wealth but who that is needy and in pain or in poverty finds but few friends and kinsmen; for every man almost eschews his company and way.
There was then great feast. They blew up trumpets and piped with shalmoyses.
They said all,“Dear Nephew, blessed be God that you have sped well. We were in great dread and fear when we saw you lie under.”
Reynart the Fox thanked all them friendly, and received them with great joy and gladness. Then he asked of them what they counselled him. If he should give the field unto the King or no?
Dame Slopecade said,“Yea hardily cousin. You may with worship well set it in to his hands, and trust him well enough.”
Tho went they all with the keepers of the field unto the King. And Reynart the Fox went before them all, with trumpets and pipes and much other minstrelsy. The Fox kneeled down before the King.
The King bade him stand up, and said to him,“Reynart you be now joyful. You have kept your day worshipfully. I discharge you, and let you go freely quit where it pleases you. And the debate between you, I hold it on me, and shall discuss it by reason and by counsel of noble men, and will ordain thereof that ought be done by reason, at such time as Esegrim shall be whole. And then I shall send for you to come to me, and then by God's grace I shall give out the sentence and judgment.”