节日用语 Festival Terms
a movable holiday 日期不固定的节日
a national holiday 国庆日
a pair of scrolls containing a poetic couplet 对联
a religious holiday 宗教节日
a string of small firecrackers 成串的小爆竹
a world of ice and snow 冰天雪地
All the best!万事如意!
at the beginning of the year 年初
bag of goodies 圣诞老人礼物袋
bainian/pay New Year calls 拜年
be wild with joy/go into raptures 欣喜若狂
bid farewell to the outgoing year 辞(旧)岁
bonfires/fireworks display 烟火
burn incense and pray 烧香拜佛
candle ['kændl] 蜡烛
celebrate/observe/keep holiday 庆祝节日
choir [kwaɪə] 圣歌队
Christmas present 圣诞礼物
Christmas tree 圣诞树
do Spring Festival shopping 办年货
dumpling ['dʌmplɪŋ] 饺子
Easter egg 复活节彩蛋
enough happiness to spare 吉庆有余
feeling pleased/filled with joy 喜滋滋
festive atmosphere 节日气氛
fill the air 弥漫
firecracker ['faɪəkrækə] 爆竹
fragrance/smell of burning incense 馨香
gift [ɡɪft] 礼物
give oneself up to pleasure 纵情欢乐
good luck and satisfaction of one's every wish 吉祥如意
Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!
happy get-together/happy reunion 欢聚
Happy New Year! 新年快乐!恭贺新年!恭贺新禧!
ice-bound 冰封
jubilant/full of joy 喜气洋洋
kiteflying/fly a kite 放风筝
lantern ['læntən] 灯笼
let off firecrackers 放爆竹
light a candle 点蜡烛
light up with pleasure/be wreathed in smiles 喜笑颜开
live and work in peace and contentment 安居乐业
make a vow to the god 许愿
Many happy returns of the day!万事如意!
mask [mɑːsk] 面具
Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!
New Year cake 年糕
one hundred years of life 长命百岁
peaceful life every year 岁岁平安
pork dumpling 猪肉饺子
prolonged life 延年益寿
radiant/beaming with joy 喜洋洋
resound/reverberate in the village 在村中回荡
see the new year in 迎新年
set off fireworks 放焰火
snow in great flakes 大雪纷飞
snowball ['snəʊbɔːl] 雪球
snowfield ['snəʊfiːld] 雪原
snowflake ['snəʊfleɪk] 雪花,雪片
snowman ['snəʊmæn] 雪人
special purchases for the Spring Festival 年货
Spring Festival Couplets 春联
Spring returns to the earth.春回大地。
the end of the year/year-end 年底,年关
the eve of the lunar New Year 年夜
The firecracker didn't go off.爆竹没响。
the season's greeting 节日快乐
three durable plants of winter (pine, bamboo, plum blossom)岁寒三友(松、竹、梅)
Time is fleeing.岁月如流。
toast each other 觥筹交错
turkey ['tɜːkɪ] 火鸡
usher in the new and send off the old 辞旧迎新
wealth, high-rank, glory and splendor 富贵荣华
welcome a new year 迎来新的一年
with boundless joy/wild with joy 欢天喜地