歌曲,唱歌 Song, Sing
a beautiful ballad 美妙的歌谣
a charming ballad 动人的歌谣
a charming song 迷人的歌曲
a choral song 合唱
a favorite song 喜爱的歌曲
a folk song 民歌
a funeral song 挽歌
a hit song 风行一时的歌曲
a love song 情歌
a marching song 进行曲
a mellow song 圆润柔和的歌唱
a patriotic song 爱国歌曲
a plaintive song 哀歌
a rustic song 乡土歌曲,民谣
a sacred song 圣歌
a solo song 独唱歌曲
a song of praise 颂歌
a sweet song 甜美的歌曲
a theme song (电影等的)主题歌
a well-known singer 著名的歌唱家
a woeful/plaintive ballad 哀婉的民谣
ballad ['bæləd] 歌谣
burst into song 唱起来
concerted singing 齐唱
deeds that move people to song and tears 可歌可泣的事迹
hum a ballad 哼一首民歌
hum a song 哼歌
music of a song 歌谱
paean 赞美歌
pop warbler/popular singer 流行歌手
pour out a ceaseless song 不停地唱歌
practise singing 练唱
raise one's voice in song 放声歌唱
ring out lond and clear (歌声)嘹亮
roar student song 高唱学生歌曲
set a song to music 为歌词谱曲
sing for joy 高兴得唱起来
sing a child to sleep 唱歌哄孩子入睡
sing a folk ballad 唱一首民谣
sing away 不停地唱
sing beautifully 唱得极好
sing by ear 凭听觉记忆演唱
sing in a beautiful voice 歌喉婉转
sing in chorus 合唱
sing in deep low voice 用低沉的声音唱
sing in tune 唱得在调子上
sing in unison a song 齐唱一首歌
sing loudly without constraint 纵情高歌
sing loudest in the early morning 清晨唱得最响
sing merrily 快活地歌唱
sing out of tune 唱得不在调子上
sing out the old year and sing in the new 唱送旧岁,歌迎新年
sing round 轮唱
sing softly 轻声地唱
sing solo 独唱
sing sweetly 美妙地唱
sing the praises of/extol/eulogize 歌颂
sing through one's nose 用鼻子哼唱
sing voice 歌喉
sing/chant a song 唱歌
sing/chant a tender love ballad 唱温柔的情歌
singing contest 歌咏比赛
song writer 词作者,作词家
songbook ['sɒŋbʊk] 歌本
songs of victory 凯歌
the national song/anthem ['ænθəm] 国歌
the old songs that bear us back to the past 那些把我们带回过去时光的老歌曲
words of a song 歌词
write a song 写歌