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    出版 Publication

    (a)list of new publications 新书目录

    a big-time/small-time publisher 一流/二流出版社

    a magazine publisher 杂志出版社

    an uncommercial publisher 非营利性的出版社

    back cover 封底,封四

    be published by/from the Foreign Languages Press 由外文出版社出版

    be published in an edition deluxe 出版精装本

    bibliophile ['bɪblɪəʊfaɪl] 藏书家

    biding and layout 装帧

    block letter/print hand 印刷体

    book exhibition 书展

    book market 书市

    book number 书号

    book royalties 书籍的版税

    bookseller ['bʊkselə] 书商

    bookstand ['bʊkstænd] 报摊

    bookstore/bookshop 书店

    bookworm ['bʊkwɜːm] 书虫,书呆子

    brief/shorten/simplify ['sɪmplɪfaɪ] 节略,浓缩

    carry ['kærɪ] 刊登

    chief of press 社长

    circulation [ˌsɜːkjʊ'leɪʃn] 发行份数

    class of readers 读者层

    cloth-bound 布封面的

    collect/gather/accumulate [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪt] 收集资料

    columnist ['kɒləmnɪst] 专栏作家

    copy paper 原稿

    copyright ['kɒpɪraɪt] 版权,著作权

    copyright page 版权页

    cover ['kʌvə] 封面

    cross out/cancel 删除

    distribute/bring out 发行

    ditto ['dɪtəʊ] 同上,同前,副本

    draft/manuscript 文稿,书稿

    draw/collect materials 取材

    edition [ɪ'dɪʃn] 版本,版

    editor/edit 编辑,主笔

    editor-in-chief 总编,主编

    editress ['edɪtrɪs] 女编辑

    eighteenmo (18mo)['eɪ'tiːnməʊ] 18开本

    feature/special edition 专辑,特集

    first draft 初稿

    first edition 初版

    flyleaf ['flaɪliːf] 扉页

    folio ['fəʊlɪəʊ] 开本

    front cover 封面,封一

    glance over 略读

    impression [ɪm'preʃn] 印次

    impression of a book 读后感

    informed sources 消息来源

    inside back cover 封三

    inside front cover 封二

    layout ['leɪaʊt] 版面

    look for/delve 找资料

    make a draft 起稿

    misprint ['mɪsprɪnt] 印刷错误

    missing page 缺页

    new edition 新版

    octavo (8vo)['ɒktəvəʊ] 8开

    out of print 绝版

    page layout 版式

    painter's sketch 画稿

    pay a royalty 支付版税

    payment for article/book published 稿费

    pirate edition ['paɪrət] 盗版,翻印版

    press/publisher/publishing house 出版社

    publish anonymously 匿名发表

    publish in book form 以书的形式出版

    publish posthumously 死后发表

    publish under one's real name 用真名出版

    publish/issue/bring out/put out 出版

    publisher ['pʌblɪʃə] 发行人

    quarto (4to)['kwɔːtəʊ] 4开本

    read at random 随意阅读

    reading matter 读物

    reprint/second edition 再版

    revised edition 修订版

    rough draft 草稿

    royalties on a book 一本书的版税

    royalty ['rɔɪəltɪ] 版税

    sheet [ʃiːt] 印张

    slip sheet 薄衬纸

    sixteenmo (16mo)['sɪks'tiːnməʊ] 16开本

    sixty-fourmo (64mo)['sɪktɪ'fɔːməʊ] 64开本

    skip over 跳读

    spine/ridge/backbone 书脊

    thirty-twomo (32mo)['θətɪ'tuːməʊ] 32开本

    title ['taɪtl] 书名

    type page 版心

    war correspondent 战地记者,随军记者

    writing paper 稿纸

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