杂技及其他表演 Acrobatics and Other Performances
acrobat ['ækrəbæt] 杂技演员
acrobatic troupe 杂技团
animal tamer 驯兽师
clapper verse accompanied by bamboo castanets [ˌkæstə'nets] 快板
conjuring ['kʌndʒərɪŋ] 魔术
conjuror ['kʌndʒərə] 魔术师
drum ballad ['bæləd] 鼓词,大鼓书
duet [djuː'et] 双簧
fiddle ballad ['fɪdl] 评弹,弹词
flying trapeze [trə'piːz] 空中飞人
flying tridents ['traɪdnts] 飞叉
hand-stand 倒立
juggling ['dʒʌɡlɪŋ] 魔术,变戏法
jump through a blazing hoop 钻火圈
magician [mə'dʒɪʃn] 魔术师
plastic art 造型艺术
plate twirling ['twɜːlɪŋ] 转碟
play a duet 演双簧
puppeter ['pʌpɪtə] 木偶剧演员
rope-walking 走绳索
somersault ['sʌməsɔːlt] 筋斗
song with action 表演唱
storytelling in Shandong dialect 山东快书
theatrical rhymed dialogue ['raɪmd] 对口词
tight-wire walking 走钢丝
traditional Chinese lion dance 狮子舞
trick-cycling 车技
turn somersaults 翻筋斗
twirling bowls 耍碗
variety show 杂耍
vocal imitation 口技
witty dialogue/cross talk 相声