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    风景名胜 Natural Scenery, High Spots

    a babbling stream 潺潺的溪流

    a bleak valley 荒凉的山谷

    a boat about fifty meters off/from the shore 离岸50米的一条小船

    a boat race (up)on the river 河上船赛

    a boundary river 国境河

    a brawling stream 哗哗流淌的小溪

    a bridge across the river 河上的一座桥

    a busy river 航运繁忙的河流

    a castle commanding/overlooking/towering over the town 俯瞰全城的城堡

    a clear stream 清澈的小溪

    a cottage across the river 河对岸的小屋

    a dancing stream 奔腾欢笑的小溪

    a fascinating sight 迷人的景色

    a fascinating waterfall 迷人的瀑布

    a feeder stream 支流

    a firmly frozen river 坚冰封住的河流

    a foaming stream 水花飞溅的小溪

    a lakeside path 湖畔的小路

    a meandering stream 弯弯曲曲的溪流

    a mountain stream 山涧

    a must for visitors 旅游者必到之处

    a paradise for living beings 一个繁茂的生物天堂

    a quiet, sluggish stream 平静而缓慢的溪流

    a rapid stream 湍急的溪流

    a richly-wooded valley 树木茂密的山谷

    a rivulet in a valley 山谷里的小溪

    a roaring river 咆哮的河流

    a ruined castle 倾圮的城堡

    a rushing stream 激流

    a suspension bridge spanning a deep gorge 一座横跨深谷的吊桥

    a temperate climate 温暖的气候

    a town on the lake/lakeside town 湖畔小镇

    a turbulent river 水流湍急的河

    a turbulent stream 湍流

    a villa by the lake 湖畔别墅

    an atmosphere of peace and seclusion 宁静、幽雅的环境

    an imposing temple-like castle 雄伟的庙宇式城堡

    an island of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the city 喧闹市区中宁静的岛屿

    an unfordable river 不能渡过的河

    absolutely unique 独具一格

    afford a magnificent outlook 可以看到壮丽的景色

    ascend a river 往河的上游航行

    awesome with sharp turns and whirlpools 多急弯和旋涡,令人生畏

    backed by hills on three sides 三面环山

    bathers at mineral springs 矿泉浴客

    be characterized by 特点是

    be crossed by an iron bridge 架着一座铁桥

    be inlaid with precious stones 镶嵌着宝石

    be meticulously designed 精心设计

    be renowned for the landscaped gardens 以园林而享盛誉

    be repaired and renovated 修缮一新

    be situated up/down stream 位于上/下游

    beyond the river 河对岸

    block the river 堵塞河道

    boiling spring 热泉

    bubble down from the hill 从山上潺潺流下

    bubbling spring 冒泡的泉水

    built of grey bricks 由青砖砌成

    characterized by blue skies and pleasant weather 天高气爽,凉爽宜人

    crater lake 火山口形成的深湖

    creek [krɪːk] 小溪

    crisscrossed by rivers 纵横交错的河流

    cross several streams 过几条溪水

    delightful surprises 令人赞叹的奇景

    disturb the plaid water of the lake 搅动平静的湖水

    down stream from 从……顺流而下

    drastic changes 翻天覆地的变化

    enchanting in the delicate design 设计精美而雅致

    exotic trees and flowers 奇花异草

    fall/enter/discharge into the Pacific 流入太平洋

    famous for its picturesque West Lake 以美丽如画的西湖著称

    fish in a lake 垂钓于湖中

    fishing hamlets along the shore 沿岸的渔村

    fit for the growth of all kinds of vegetation 适宜各种植物生长

    flow through fields 流过田间

    flow with the stream 顺流漂动

    follow the edge of the lake 沿湖岸绵延

    ford a stream 涉过一条小溪

    fresh spring in the wilderness 荒野里的清泉

    garden architecture 园林建筑

    get a bird's-eye view of the whole city 鸟瞰全市风光

    gigantic sculptures carved out by Nature 天然巨型石雕杰作

    glide over the meadow 静静地流过草地

    go on shore (from a ship)(从船上)上岸

    go/swim with the stream 随波逐流

    green mountains reflected in blue water 碧水青山

    have a fine outlook of Lushan Mountain 可以清楚地欣赏庐山风光

    historical sites 历史古迹

    hot/thermal/warm spring 温泉

    in shore 近岸,靠岸

    keep…intact 保存完好

    left in complete ruin 沦为废墟

    live down in a valley 住在山谷里

    mar the scenery 破坏风景

    mazy caves 迷宫般的洞穴

    (mist)creep over the lake (雾)在湖面上悄悄升起

    modern recreation facilities 现代化游乐设施

    most fantastic sights 极为壮观的景象

    mountains of fantastic shapes/high mountain ridges 崇山峻岭

    murmur down through hills 淙淙流着穿过小山

    muse upon the rushing torrents of the river 凝视着急流奔腾的河水

    navigate up a river 向上游航行

    outlooks affording views of the mountain peaks 可眺望群山峰顶的地方

    placid lake 平静的湖

    play by the lake of the shore 在湖畔玩耍

    pleasant outlook over the valley 山谷的宜人景色

    provide a fascinating view 构成了迷人的景观

    rare birds and animals 珍禽异兽

    rise [raɪz] (河水)上涨

    room with an outlook on the sea 面临海景的房间

    row against the stream 逆水行舟

    row on the lake 湖上划船

    row up (the)stream 划向上游

    run down/dash down among the rocks 在岩石间奔流而下

    sheer cliffs and steep mountains 陡峭的山崖

    sink [sɪŋk] (河水)下降

    snow-capped mountains 白雪皑皑的群山

    span the river 横跨河上

    spanned by a foot bridge 架着一座行人便桥

    spring across a creek 跳过小河

    straighten a river 把河道拓直

    (stream)feed into the lake (小溪)流入湖中

    stretching a vast plain 展开一片广阔的平原

    swim across/over a stream 游过小溪

    swollen streams 上涨的溪流

    teem with fish 鱼很多

    the blue gleaming expanse of water 闪闪发光的无际碧水

    the buildings of traditional Chinese style 中国式建筑

    the castle palaces 城堡式宫殿

    the double-eaved palace 双檐的殿宇

    the drooping willows 依依垂柳

    the excursion centre 游乐之所

    the famous scenic hot spring spot 著名的风景温泉区

    the Great Lakes (北美)五大湖

    the lotus pond lined with willows 荷花池畔杨柳依依

    the Mississippi valley 密西西比河流域

    the monotonous scenery 单调的风景

    the outlook from the drawing room 从客厅向外看的景色

    the rolling hills on both sides 两面群山起伏

    the scenery along the river 沿河的风景

    the scenic beauty 美景

    the spring-like weather throughout the year 四季如春

    the vast expanse of snow 大片雪原

    the winding river 蜿蜒的河流

    the wooded country 密林遍地

    the world's architectural marvels 世界建筑奇观

    the Yangtze Gorges 长江三峡

    the Yangtze valley 长江流域

    towering buildings with golden roofs 楼宇巍峨,金顶灿烂

    tropical gardens 热带园林

    villa-type holiday village 别墅式度假村

    walk along the shore of the lake 沿着湖滨走

    wander eastward 蜿蜒东去

    waves breaking against the shore 浪击海岸

    winding paths leading to scenic spots 曲径通幽

    with exquisite craftsmanship 工艺精巧

    with the beauty of its natural surroundings 自然环境优美

    wonderful outlook over the sea 大海壮丽的景色

    zigzag river 蜿蜒的河道

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