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    一般用词 General Words

    a benefit/charitable entertainment 义演

    a big city's attractions 大城市的诱人之处

    a brightly lit reception hall 灯火通明的接待室

    a city that has a historical background 具有历史背景的城市

    a dainty villa 漂亮的别墅

    a dull/faint light 昏暗的光

    a hit-and-run driver 肇事逃逸的司机

    a house looking on the street 临街的房子

    a lakeside villa 湖滨别墅

    a lorry/truck driver 卡车司机

    a magnificent avenue of giant trees 树木参天的宽阔大道

    a peaceful villa 宁静的别墅

    a shop brilliantly lit up 灯火明亮的商店

    a social entertainment 社交娱乐活动

    a student/learner driver 见习汽车司机

    a taxi stand 出租车站

    a technologically advanced city 技术先进的城市

    a thriving business centre 繁华的商业中心

    a town with an old-world atmosphere 具有古老气息的城市

    a town accessible by rail 有火车通达的城镇

    a town on the banks of the Avon 埃文河畔的小镇

    a trading town of bustling activities 繁荣热闹的贸易城市

    a variety entertainment 杂耍表演

    an auto/a bus/a taxi driver 汽车/公共汽车/出租车司机

    an engine driver (英)火车司机

    an enjoyable entertainment 令人愉快的娱乐

    an expensive villa 奢华的别墅

    an imposing avenue of fine buildings 林立着漂亮建筑的宽阔大道

    advertisement poster 广告招牌

    (at the)crossroads 十字街头

    alley ['ælɪ] 胡同,小巷

    allurements of a big city 大城市里各种诱人的事物

    arrange entertainments 安排娱乐活动

    avenue ['ævənjuː] 大街,(英)林荫小道

    be adjacent to the park 紧靠着公园

    Be careful when crossing street. 过马路要小心。

    blind alley/dead end 死胡同

    block [blɒk] 街区

    block up the drains 堵塞下水道

    boulevard ['buːləvɑːd] 林荫大道

    business centre 商业中心

    capital ['kæpɪtl] 首都

    carriage way 车道

    circus ['sɜːkəs] 十字路口的圆形广场

    city centre/proper 市中心

    city lights 城市的灯(光)

    coach/long-distance bus 长途汽车

    crossing ['krɒsɪŋ] 交叉路口

    crosswalk ['krɒswɔːk] 人行横道

    cross-roads 十字路口

    curb/kerb [kɜːb] 路缘,人行道边石

    cycle stand 存车处

    Detour Ahead 前面绕行

    Don't Throw Anything in the Urinal. 不准往便池内扔杂物。

    downtown [ˌdaʊn'taʊn] 市区

    downtown streets 街市

    drain [dreɪn]/sewer [sjuːə] 下水道

    drive along the beach 驾车沿海滨行驶

    drive in a taxi 搭乘出租车

    drive sb. to the hotel 开车送某人到旅馆

    drive with caution 谨慎驾驶

    drunk/drunken driving 酒醉后驾车

    fly-over/overpass 立交桥

    free way/express way 高速公路

    give a dramatic entertainment 举行戏剧演出

    gutter ['ɡʌtə] 阴沟

    highway ['haɪweɪ] 公路

    improve the appearance of the city 改善市容

    improve the drainage 改善排水系统

    industrial district 工业区

    jump a stop light/drive through a red light 闯红灯

    Ladies ['leɪdɪz]/Women/Women's 女厕

    lane [leɪn] 胡同,里弄

    mailbox ['meɪlbɒks]/letter-box 邮筒

    mall [mɔːl] 林荫路

    Men/Gentlemen/Men's 男厕

    metropolis of commerce 商业中心

    moat [məʊt] 护城河

    municipal [mjuː'nɪsɪpl] 市的,市立的

    neighbor ['neɪbə] 街坊

    neighborhood committee 街道居委会

    neighborhood service centre 街道服务站

    No Dumping 禁止在此倒垃圾

    No Gambling 严禁赌博

    No Jaywalking 不准乱穿马路

    No Littering 不准乱扔东西

    No Prostituting 严禁卖淫

    No Spitting 不准随地吐痰

    Occupied (厕所)有人

    old town 老城市

    outskirts ['aʊtskɜːts]/suburbs 郊区

    palm avenue 棕榈大道

    park [pɑːk] 停车场

    parking lot 多层停车场

    parking meter 停车计费器

    parkway ['pɑːkweɪ] 两旁有草地树木的大道

    path [pɑːθ] 小路

    pedestrian bridge 天桥

    pedestrian crossing/zebra crossing 人行横道

    play the piano for one's entertainment 弹钢琴为某人助兴

    public latrine/comfort station 公共厕所

    reckless driving 鲁莽开车

    residential area [ˌrɪzɪ'denʃl] 住宅区

    ring road 环行路

    road/way 路,道路

    roundabout ['raʊndəbaʊt] 绕圆形广场的单行道

    safety land/zone 安全岛

    shade tree 行道树

    shopping street 商业街

    sidewalk (美)/pavement (英)/footpath 人行道,便道

    signpost ['saɪnpəʊst] 路标

    situated at the heart of the shopping district 位于商业区中心

    square [skweə] 广场

    street barricade 街垒

    street corner 街角

    street cry 街头叫卖声

    street gossip 街谈巷议

    street lamp/light 街灯,路灯

    street sign 路标

    streets and lanes 街头巷尾

    streets ill/well adapted for the residence of wealthy persons 不/很适合富人居住的街道

    stretch along the bay 沿海滨伸展

    subdistrict office 街道办事处

    thoroughfare ['θʌrəfeə] 大道

    town [taʊn] 城镇

    traffic light 交通灯

    tramp the streets 流落街头

    trash can ['træʃ] 垃圾筒

    tree-lined avenue 林荫大道

    underpass/underground passage/pedestrian

    subway 地下通道

    urban fringe 市区边缘

    Vacant ['veɪkənt] (厕所)无人

    vividly show the skyline of the metropolis 生动地显出都市的空中轮廓

    walking street/vehicle-free promenade [ˌprɒmɪ'nɑːd]/pedestrian mall 步行街

    woodland/a park of trees and vegetation 林园

      上一篇:英语惯用词组:[会议类]会议议程 下一篇:英语惯用词组:[城市类]城市


