城镇 Town
a backward town 落后的边远城镇
a busy industrial town 繁忙的工业城镇
a coast/sea-coast town 沿海城镇
a county town 县城,(英)郡的首府
a market town 集镇
a rural town 乡村集镇
a secluded town 与外界隔绝的城镇
a small up-country 内地的小城镇
a university/college town 大学城
an open town 不设防城镇
be in town 在城里
downtown traffic 闹市区的交通
go downtown shopping 到商业区购物
go to town 进城
go up to town 进城去,(英)去伦敦
plan/lay out a town 设计一座城市
seaport town 沿海城镇
spring up (城镇)纷纷兴建起来
swallow up the town 吞没城镇
the most expensive hotel in town 城里最昂贵的旅馆
the talk of the town 街头巷尾的谈论