一般用词 General Words
a conflict between heart and head 感情与理智的冲突
a high sense of duty 高度的责任感
a keen sense of honor 强烈的荣誉感
a keen sense of inferiority 强烈的自卑感
a man depleted of his talents 江郎才尽
a man of sense 明智的人
a man of sound mind 心智健全的人
a man with a heart 富有同情心的男子
a quick mind 聪敏的头脑
a quick sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉
a sense of beauty 审美能力
a sharp-eyed newsman 目光敏锐的新闻记者
absent-minded/inattentive 心不在焉
after one's heart 合某人心意
all one's wishes come true 心想事成
an easy mind 宁静的心情
at heart 内心里,实质上
be alarmed and confused 心慌意乱
be completely convinced 心悦诚服
be deeply disappointed 心寒
be down-hearted/be disheartened 心灰意冷
be greedy/be evil/be ruthless 心黑
be heart-broken 心碎
be in one's (right) senses 头脑健全
be lost to all sense of shame 全无羞耻心
be mentally and physically exhauted 心力交瘁
be not in the right mind 精神失常
be out of one's (right) senses 发疯
be pained/be grieved 心痛
be perfectly happy to/be most willing to 心甘情愿
be perturbed/be terribly upset 心烦意乱
be politically-minded 有政治头脑
be prompted by a sudden impulse/be seized by a whim 心血来潮
be psychopathic/suffer from mental disorder 精神变态
be quick of hearing 听觉灵敏
be quick of understanding 理解力强
be quick with one's hands 手巧
be quick/sharp at figures 敏于计算
be sharp about money 对钱很精明
be short-tempered/be impatient 心急
be sincerely convinced 心服口服
be soft-hearted/be tender-hearted 心软
be strong in mind and body 身心强健
be unwilling to give up 不甘心
be utterly confused and disconcerted/be terribly upset 心乱如麻
be wild with joy/be elated 心花怒放
bottom of one's heart 心底
bring one's heart into one's mouth 使某人非常吃惊
bring to one's senses 恢复理智
bring/call to mind 记得,使人回忆起
broad-minded 心胸开阔
burning with impatience 心急如焚
calculation/calculating/scheming/plotting [ˌkælkju'leiʃn] [kælkjuleɪtɪŋ] ['skiːmɪŋ] ['pɒtɪŋ] 心机,心计
cannot make head or tail of 摸不着头脑
cardiac infarct/infarction 心梗
carefree and contented 心宽体胖
clear-hearted/sober-minded 头脑清醒
clever and deft 心灵手巧
constantly improve 精益求精
cry from the heart 心声
dear heart 心肝宝贝
declare one's heart to 向……表白爱慕之心
dementia praccox/split personality 精神分裂症
do sums in one's mind 心算
door of one's heart 心扉
eager/anxious/impatient ['iːɡə(r)] ['æŋkʃəs] [ɪm'peɪʃnt] 心切
elaborately fabricate 精心炮制
emotional/mental support 精神支柱
essence/gist ['esns] [dʒɪst] 精髓
even-tempered and good-natured 心平气和
feel a mutual affinity 心心相印
feel a sinking of the heart/be timid 心怯
feel an itch for/be tempted to 心痒
feel an upsurge of emotion 心潮澎湃
feel at ease/have an easy conscience 心安(理得)
feel discontented/nurse a grievance 心怀不满
feel restless/have no peace of mind 心神不宁
feel sad/be grieved 心酸
frame of mind/mental state/mood 心境
frame of mind/mood 心目
frank and outspoken 心直口快
from the bottom of one's heart 从心坎里,深深地
from time out of mind 从太古时代起
full of energy/vitality 精神抖擞
full of vigor/energetic 精神饱满
get one's mind round sth.使自己弄懂某物
good-natured 心地善良
great minds think alike 英雄所见略同
have a cool mind 头脑冷静
have a deep longing for 心驰神往
have a good/great mind to do 很想做
have a heart of iron/be stone-hearted 心如铁石
have a lingering fear 心有余悸
have a mind for science 有学理科的头脑
have a poor sense of right and wrong 不太分得清是非
have a quick ear for music 对于音乐听觉灵敏
have a quick eye/sight 有敏锐的目光
have a soft heart/be soft-hearted 心肠软,心慈手软
have a tacit understanding 心照不宣
have evil intentions/have sinister motive 心怀鬼胎
have no heart 毫无恻隐之心
have no/little mind to do 不/有点想做
have one's heart in one's mouth 吓得要命
have sinister/evil intentions 心怀叵测
have sth.in mind 记得
heart and blood vessels 心血管
heart and hand 热心地
heart and soul 全心全意地
heart linked to heart 心连心
heart murmur 心脏杂音
heartbeat/palpitate ['hɑːtbiːt] ['pælpɪteɪt] 心跳
hearts beating in unison are linked 心有灵犀一点通
hopelessly apathetic 心如死灰
in a flutter/in a disturbed state of mind 心绪不宁
in a good mood 心顺
in high spirits/feel one' s spirit rise 精神焕发
in one's/the mind's eye 在头脑想象中
inner/mental world 精神世界
innermost thoughts and feelings 心里话
insufficient mental development 智障
intellectual/spiritual wealth 精神财富
internal beauty/integrity 心灵美
invest in talent 智力投资
keep/have an open mind 报虚心态度
kind-heartedness/benevolence/humanity ['kaɪndhɑːtɪdnəs] [bə'nevələnt] [hjuːmænətɪ] 仁爱,仁德,宅心仁厚
kind-hearted [kaɪd'hɑːtɪd] 好心肠
lay one's heart bare 倾诉心曲
load on one's mind/weighing on one's mind 心事
lose one's mind 失去理智
lose one's senses/reason 丧失理智
lose one's senses 失去理智
love dearly/feel sorry 心疼
make a detailed/intensive study 精研
mental age 智龄
mental attitude/outlook 精神面貌
mental disease/disorder 精神病
mental opiate/mind-dulling 精神鸦片
mental pressure/load on one's mind 精神负担
mental worries 心病
mentality/psychology [men'tæləti] [saɪ'kɒlədʒi] 心理
mentally deranged/insane 精神错乱
mentally retarded 智残
mind one's task 专心于工作
moral encouragement 精神鼓励
moral nature/character 心地
nervous breakdown 精神崩溃
nurse a grievance 心存芥蒂
one's beloved/loved one 心爱
out of sight,out of mind 眼不见,心不烦
painstaking/meticulous ['peɪnzteɪkɪŋ] [mə'tɪkjələs] 精心
palpitation/be scared 心悸
pass out of mind 被忘却
power of mind/mental power 心智力量
psychoanalysis [ˌsaɪkəʊə'næləsɪs] 精神分析
psychotherapy [ˌsaɪkəʊ'θerəpi] 精神疗法
pure mind/pure-minded 心净,心纯
put heart into sb.使某人振作起来
put one's mind at rest 使某人放心
recover one's senses 恢复理智
relaxed and joyfull/carefree and happy 心旷神怡
reliable agent/treasured surbordinate 心腹
resourceful and upright 智圆行方
resourceful person/mastermind 智多星
resourcefulness[rɪ'sɔːsflnɪs] 智谋
respect and admire/hold in deep respect 景仰
say one thing and mean another 心口不一
say what one thinks/be frank and forthright 心口如一
serious hidden trouble or danger 心腹之患
sharp ears 灵敏的听觉
show great ingenuity 匠心独运
show originality/be original 独出心裁
simple-minded/seeing things too lightly 头脑简单
smart card 智能卡
soul-stirring 动人心魄
spiritual civilization 精神文明
spiritual emptiness/lack motivation 精神空虚
spiritual freedom 精神自由
spiritual substance/nourishment for the mind 精神食粮
spiritual/cultural contamination/ideological
pollution 精神污染
spiritual/mental shackles 精神枷锁
spring/come to the mind 突然浮上头脑
students with good minds 智商高的学生
take by strategy 智取
take heart 树立信心
the pain in one's heart 内心的痛苦
the pleasures of sense 感官的愉悦
think tank/brain trust 智囊
thoughtless and impetuous 心粗气浮
to one's heart's content 尽情地
trance/daydream [trɑːns] ['deɪdriːm] 精神恍惚
tremble with terror/qaver with fear 心惊胆战
trickery/stratagem['trɪkəri] ['strætədʒəm] 智术
tug at one's heartstrings 动人心弦
understand tacitly/readily take a hint 心领神会
wear one's heart on/upon one's sleeve 流露自己的感情,过于直白
what one has learned from work,study,etc.心得
wicked and merciless 心狠手辣
with a guilty conscience 心虚
with a heavy heart 心情沉重
with a light/heavy heart 轻松愉快/心情沉重
with all one's heart 真心实意地
yearn for 心向往之