胜利,成功 Victory
a bloodless victory 不流血的胜利
a brilliant/splendid victory 辉煌的胜利
a crowning victory 最大的胜利
a decisive victory 决定性的胜利
a diplomatic victory 外交上的胜利
a hard-won victory 来之不易的胜利
a moral victory 精神上的胜利
a narrow victory 险胜
a sensational/signal victory 巨大的胜利
a sweeping victory 全胜
an inglorious victory 不光彩的胜利
an overwhelming victory 势如破竹的胜利
achieve/gain/obtain/score a victory 取得/获得胜利
be puffed up by victory 因胜利而趾高气扬
celebrate the victory 庆祝胜利
create victory out of defeat 反败为胜
follow up the victory 乘胜前进
gain a full/clear/complete victory 获得全胜
lead the people to victory 率领人民走向胜利
rejoice over the victory 欢庆胜利
successive victory 连续胜利
the victory of right over might 公理对强权的胜利
victory after victory 一次又一次的胜利
win a/the victory over 战胜,击败