小学一二年级英语阅读100篇 10
The rain stops. But the rain makes a big tree fall down. Yoko sees the big tree in the road. Then she sees a car coming.
Yoko says,“I must stop the car.”She runs up the road and calls to the driver. The driver stops the car. It does not hit the tree.
1 There was a big tree in the_____.
A. water
B. road
C. house
D. yard
2 Yoko sees a_____coming.
A. man
B. bus
C. car
D. cow
3 Yoko tells the driver to_____.
A. go fast
B. get out of the car
C. call the police station
D. stop the car
fall down 跌倒,倒下;塌陷
hit[hɪt ]v. 相撞,撞上
stop[stɒp ]v. 拦住,制止
yard[jɑ:d ]n. 庭院,院子
1. B
2. C
3. D