Australia's new government announced recently that it plans to prevent development of a coal mine due to the possible effects on the nearby Great Barrier Reef.
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said she plans to deny approval for the Central Queensland Coal Project.
环境部长 Tanya Plibersek 表示,她将拒绝批准中央昆士兰煤炭项目。
The minority Greens party has been asking the center-left Labor Party government, which was elected in May, to refuse approvals of coal and gas projects.
The goal is to help reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions.
Plibersek said in a statement, "Based on the information available to me at this stage, I believe that the project would be likely to have unacceptable impacts to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and the values of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and National Heritage Place."
Plibersek 在一份声明中说:“根据现阶段掌握的信息,我认为该项目可能会对大堡礁海洋公园以、及大堡礁世界遗产区的价值和国家遗产地产生巨大影响。”
The mine's supporters have until the middle of August to answer the proposed refusal before the minister makes her final decision.
在部长做出最终决定之前,该矿的支持者必须在 8 月中旬之前对提议做出回应。
The Greens welcomed the news and urged the minister to reject another 26 planned coal mines.
绿党对这一消息表示赞同,并敦促部长拒绝另外 26 个计划中的煤矿。
Greens leader Adam Bandt said in a statement, "Now we need an across-the-board moratorium on all new coal and gas projects."
A moratorium is a time when an activity is not permitted.
The proposed decision was announced after the House of Representatives passed a bill that would put into law a reduction in Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 43 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2030.
拟议的决定是在众议院通过一项法案后宣布的,该法案把在 2030 年之前将澳大利亚的温室气体排放量减少到比 2005 年的43%写入法律。
The previous government's target had been a reduction of between 26 to 28 percent, set at the Paris climate conference in 2015.
上届政府的目标是在 2015 年巴黎气候会议上设定的减排 26% 至 28%。
I'm John Russell.