Hafsa Ahmed is two years old. As she lies on a hospital bed in Yemen, it is very difficult for her to breathe or open her eyes.
Hafsa Ahmed 两岁。她躺在也门的医院病床上,呼吸困难,眼睛睁不开。
Hafsa is dying of starvation. She is the youngest of six children. One died from malnutrition. Her father Ahmed, 47, works as a day laborer. Each day he can pay for only some flour and cooking oil.
哈夫萨快要饿死了。她是六个孩子中最小的一个。一名死于营养不良。她 47 岁的父亲艾哈迈德是一名临时工。每天他只能支付一些面粉和食用油。
Ahmed and his family live in Hays, about 120 kilometers south of the port city of Hodeida. The town has seen some of the worst fighting in Yemen's war.
艾哈迈德和他的家人住在港口城市荷台达以南约 120 公里的海斯。该镇经历了也门战争中最惨烈的战斗。
Mohammed Hussein is a 49-year-old father of five. They live in a camp for displaced people near the town of Abs in the northern Hajjah area. He said he has had to move four times since the war began in 2014.
穆罕默德侯赛因是一位 49 岁的五个孩子的父亲。他们住在哈杰地区北部阿布斯镇附近的流离失所者营地。他说,自 2014 年战争开始以来,他不得不搬家四次。
"I lost my home, farmland, everything," he said over the phone.
Three years ago, he lost a 9-month-old son. Now, Hussein has a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old who are starving. "There is no money, and I am jobless," he said. "They could die also from hunger."
三年前,他失去了一个9个月大的儿子。现在,侯赛因有一个 1 岁和一个 3 岁的孩子正在挨饿。“没有钱,我失业了,”他说。“他们也可能死于饥饿。”
Dr. Nabouta Hassan directs the malnutrition area of the hospital in Hays. He said that every month it receives up to 30 children suffering from diseases related to severe malnutrition. He said that if children suffer too long from malnutrition, their organs stop working.
Nabouta Hassan 博士负责海斯医院的营养不良区。他说,它每月接收多达 30 名患有与严重营养不良有关的疾病的儿童。他说,如果孩子长期营养不良,他们的器官就会停止工作。
There are more than half a million children in Yemen who are severely malnourished. Overall, the United Nations says around 2.2 million Yemeni children are hungry. And about 1.3 million pregnant or breastfeeding women had severe malnutrition this year.
也门有超过 50 万儿童严重营养不良。总体而言,联合国表示约有 220 万也门儿童处于饥饿状态。今年约有 130 万孕妇或哺乳期妇女严重营养不良。
Worry about fighting
Hunger has long threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yemen's children. Now, the eight-year war between Iran-backed Houthi rebels and a Saudi-led coalition is threatening to return after a six-month truce.
Since the war started, more than 150,000 people have been killed and 3 million have had to leave their homes.
自战争开始以来,已有超过 15 万人丧生,300 万人不得不离开家园。
Yemenis, and international aid groups, worry that if fighting starts again, hunger and starvation will get worse. And the war in Ukraine is making the situation more difficult in Yemen.
Wheat is a very important part of the Yemeni diet. Forty percent of its grain came from Ukraine until Russia's invasion cut the supply.
小麦是也门饮食中非常重要的一部分。在俄罗斯入侵切断供应之前,其 40% 的粮食来自乌克兰。
Peter Salisbury is a Yemen expert at the International Crisis Group. He said the war in Ukraine has hurt Yemen three times. First, Yemen lost its food supplies from Ukraine. Then the war in Ukraine brings higher food and fuel prices and takes international attention away from Yemen.
Peter Salisbury 是国际危机组织的也门专家。他说,乌克兰战争对也门造成了三倍伤害。首先,也门失去了来自乌克兰的粮食供应。然后乌克兰的战争带来了更高的食品和燃料价格,并将国际注意力从也门转移开来。
Worldwide, the U.N. food agency has reduced the amount of food for millions of people because of a lack of money and higher food prices.
But the World Food Program has centered its attention on the 13.5 million Yemenis most at risk. The U.N. said that by the end of September, its aid plan for Yemen got $2 billion of the $4.27 billion needed to provide help to 17.9 million people.
但世界粮食计划署已将注意力集中在风险最大的 1350 万也门人身上。联合国表示,截至 9 月底,其对也门的援助计划获得了向 1790 万人提供帮助所需的 42.7 亿美元中的 20 亿美元。
Hafsa Ahmed 两岁。她躺在也门的医院病床上,呼吸困难,眼睛睁不开。
Hafsa is dying of starvation. She is the youngest of six children. One died from malnutrition. Her father Ahmed, 47, works as a day laborer. Each day he can pay for only some flour and cooking oil.
哈夫萨快要饿死了。她是六个孩子中最小的一个。一名死于营养不良。她 47 岁的父亲艾哈迈德是一名临时工。每天他只能支付一些面粉和食用油。
Ahmed and his family live in Hays, about 120 kilometers south of the port city of Hodeida. The town has seen some of the worst fighting in Yemen's war.
艾哈迈德和他的家人住在港口城市荷台达以南约 120 公里的海斯。该镇经历了也门战争中最惨烈的战斗。
Mohammed Hussein is a 49-year-old father of five. They live in a camp for displaced people near the town of Abs in the northern Hajjah area. He said he has had to move four times since the war began in 2014.
穆罕默德侯赛因是一位 49 岁的五个孩子的父亲。他们住在哈杰地区北部阿布斯镇附近的流离失所者营地。他说,自 2014 年战争开始以来,他不得不搬家四次。
"I lost my home, farmland, everything," he said over the phone.
Three years ago, he lost a 9-month-old son. Now, Hussein has a 1-year-old and a 3-year-old who are starving. "There is no money, and I am jobless," he said. "They could die also from hunger."
三年前,他失去了一个9个月大的儿子。现在,侯赛因有一个 1 岁和一个 3 岁的孩子正在挨饿。“没有钱,我失业了,”他说。“他们也可能死于饥饿。”
Dr. Nabouta Hassan directs the malnutrition area of the hospital in Hays. He said that every month it receives up to 30 children suffering from diseases related to severe malnutrition. He said that if children suffer too long from malnutrition, their organs stop working.
Nabouta Hassan 博士负责海斯医院的营养不良区。他说,它每月接收多达 30 名患有与严重营养不良有关的疾病的儿童。他说,如果孩子长期营养不良,他们的器官就会停止工作。
There are more than half a million children in Yemen who are severely malnourished. Overall, the United Nations says around 2.2 million Yemeni children are hungry. And about 1.3 million pregnant or breastfeeding women had severe malnutrition this year.
也门有超过 50 万儿童严重营养不良。总体而言,联合国表示约有 220 万也门儿童处于饥饿状态。今年约有 130 万孕妇或哺乳期妇女严重营养不良。
Worry about fighting
Hunger has long threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of Yemen's children. Now, the eight-year war between Iran-backed Houthi rebels and a Saudi-led coalition is threatening to return after a six-month truce.
Since the war started, more than 150,000 people have been killed and 3 million have had to leave their homes.
自战争开始以来,已有超过 15 万人丧生,300 万人不得不离开家园。
Yemenis, and international aid groups, worry that if fighting starts again, hunger and starvation will get worse. And the war in Ukraine is making the situation more difficult in Yemen.
Wheat is a very important part of the Yemeni diet. Forty percent of its grain came from Ukraine until Russia's invasion cut the supply.
小麦是也门饮食中非常重要的一部分。在俄罗斯入侵切断供应之前,其 40% 的粮食来自乌克兰。
Peter Salisbury is a Yemen expert at the International Crisis Group. He said the war in Ukraine has hurt Yemen three times. First, Yemen lost its food supplies from Ukraine. Then the war in Ukraine brings higher food and fuel prices and takes international attention away from Yemen.
Peter Salisbury 是国际危机组织的也门专家。他说,乌克兰战争对也门造成了三倍伤害。首先,也门失去了来自乌克兰的粮食供应。然后乌克兰的战争带来了更高的食品和燃料价格,并将国际注意力从也门转移开来。
Worldwide, the U.N. food agency has reduced the amount of food for millions of people because of a lack of money and higher food prices.
But the World Food Program has centered its attention on the 13.5 million Yemenis most at risk. The U.N. said that by the end of September, its aid plan for Yemen got $2 billion of the $4.27 billion needed to provide help to 17.9 million people.
但世界粮食计划署已将注意力集中在风险最大的 1350 万也门人身上。联合国表示,截至 9 月底,其对也门的援助计划获得了向 1790 万人提供帮助所需的 42.7 亿美元中的 20 亿美元。