Small US Colleges Use Course Sharing to Add New Programs
Dylan Smith is in his second year at Adrian College, a small liberal arts school with about 1,600 students in the state of Michigan.
迪伦·史密斯 (Dylan Smith) 在阿德里安学院 (Adrian College) 上二年级,这是一所位于密歇根州的小型文科学校,约有 1,600 名学生。
When Smith was looking at colleges, he liked the small college environment at Adrian. And the school wanted him to join its football and wrestling teams. But Smith did not think a liberal arts education would help him get a job, so he planned to study supply-chain management at Michigan State University, which has nearly 50,000 students. Supply-chain management is a field of study on how to handle the flow of goods and services from raw materials to businesses.
当史密斯在看大学时,他喜欢阿德里安的小型大学环境。学校希望他加入足球和摔跤队。但史密斯认为文科教育不会帮助他找到工作,因此他计划在拥有近 50,000 名学生的密歇根州立大学学习供应链管理。供应链管理是一个研究如何处理从原材料到企业的商品和服务流动的领域。
But then Adrian College added supply-chain management to its offerings. That made him change his mind and attend Adrian.
"I couldn't say no to getting the degree I wanted from a smaller school instead of at a big university where you're looking at 200 students in a class," said Smith.
史密斯说:“我不能拒绝从一所规模较小的学校而不是在一个班级有 200 名学生的大型大学获得我想要的学位。”
Course sharing
An increasing number of mostly small, liberal arts colleges in the United States are drawing students like Smith by sharing courses online with large universities.
The move is a way for small colleges to deal with decreasing numbers of students going to college. In the past ten years, 81 small, private colleges have closed in the U.S. And nearly two-thirds of high school seniors now say a college degree is not worth the cost. The information comes from a New America and Third Way study.
此举是小型大学应对上大学人数减少的一种方式。过去十年,美国关闭了 81 所小型私立大学,近三分之二的高中生表示, 大学学位不值得付出代价。该信息来自新美国和第三路研究。
Rick Ostrander is an assistant to the president at Westmont College in southern California. He said, "Course sharing lets us maintain what we are, which is small and residential, but compete on selection and price."
Rick Ostrander 是南加州韦斯特蒙特学院的校长助理。他说,“课程共享让我们保持了我们的本来面目,即小型和住宅,但在选择和价格上竞争。”
"Hundreds of schools are going to go out of business if we don't figure this out," said Jeffrey Docking, the president of Adrian College. The school has used course sharing to add 17 fields of study in just the last two years, including computer science, web design, cybersecurity and public health.
“如果我们不解决这个问题,数百所学校将会倒闭,”阿德里安学院院长杰弗里·多克说。仅在过去两年中,学校就使用课程共享增加了 17 个学习领域,包括计算机科学、网页设计、网络安全和公共卫生。
Parminder Jassal is head of Unmudl which is developing technology to make it easier for colleges to share courses. She said, "We've been sharing through Airbnb. We're sharing cars. We're sharing everything. Higher education is probably the last place the idea of sharing is finally hitting."
Parminder Jassal 是 Unmudl 的负责人,该公司正在开发技术以使大学更容易共享课程。她说,“我们一直在通过 Airbnb 共享。我们共享汽车。我们共享一切。高等教育可能是共享的想法最终出现的最后一个地方。”
More programs, less cost
Some employers say liberal arts study develops important skills for the workplace, such as the ability to write well and solve problems. But students and their parents worry that a liberal arts education will not be enough to get the kind of jobs they want.
Getting a good job was the most important reason students gave for going to college, a study by the University of California at Los Angeles' Higher Education Research Institute showed.
A 2021 study by the Federal Reserve found that half of the students who earned bachelor's degrees in liberal arts said they would now choose a different field of study.
美联储2021 年的一项研究发现,获得文科学士学位的学生中有一半表示他们现在会选择不同的学习领域。
Through course sharing, small liberal arts colleges can quickly add the technical programs that students want at less cost. Some community colleges and historically Black colleges and universities are also choosing to use course sharing.
Adrian College says new programs that it has added through course sharing brought 100 additional students over the last two years. That is equal to more than $8 million in the total cost over four years of those students' education.
Adrian College 表示,通过课程共享增加的新课程在过去两年中增加了 100 名学生。这相当于这些学生四年教育的总成本超过 800 万美元。
It is also less expensive for a college to pay for course sharing than to hire new professors. For many colleges, developing new programs themselves takes too long and costs too much. The firm EAB estimated that it costs as much as $2.2 million to develop a new study program.
与聘请新教授相比,大学支付课程共享费用也更便宜。对于许多大学来说,开发新项目本身需要的时间太长,成本也太高。EAB公司估计,开发一项新的学习计划需要花费高达 220 万美元。
"The way that higher education has always worked is, if I wanted to offer those courses to students, I would have had to go out and hire a faculty member, add those courses and see if students would take them," said Ann Fulop, a vice president at Eureka College in Illinois. The school used course sharing to add a computer science study program this year.
“高等教育一直以来的运作方式是,如果我想为学生提供这些课程,我将不得不出去聘请一名教员,添加这些课程,看看学生是否愿意接受它们,”Ann Fulop 说,伊利诺伊州尤里卡学院的副校长。学校今年通过课程共享增加了计算机科学学习计划。
President Docking of Adrian College said, "If we're willing to work together, and share some courses, we can offer many, many more… programs for very little cost."
Adrian College 校长 Docking 说:“如果我们愿意一起工作,分享一些课程,我们可以以很少的成本提供更多……更多的课程。”