Saudi Arabia Believes Iran may be Planning Attack
United States security officials say Saudi Arabia has told them Iran may be planning an attack on their land.
The warning from Saudi Arabia comes at the same time that the U.S. is criticizing Iran for sending drones to Russia for use in its war with Ukraine. And the U.S. is also speaking out against Iran's tough measures against street protests.
The U.S. National Security Council released a statement Tuesday saying it is "concerned about the threat picture." The U.S. said it "will not hesitate to act in defense of our interests and partners in the region."
Neither Saudi Arabia, nor Iran, answered requests for comments from the Associated Press.
One U.S. security official confirmed the intelligence report and said there was a threat "soon or within the next 48 hours." However, American embassies and consulates in the area have not yet issued warnings about an attack.
一名美国安全官员证实了这份情报报告,并表示“很快或在接下来的 48 小时内”就会出现威胁。但是,该地区的美国大使馆和领事馆尚未发布有关袭击的警告。
Pat Ryder is the spokesperson for the U.S. Defense Department. He said U.S. military officials are concerned and "we will reserve the right to protect and defend ourselves no matter where our forces are serving."
Pat Ryder 是美国国防部的发言人。他说,美国军方官员对此表示担忧,“无论我们的部队在哪里服役,我们都将保留保护和自卫的权利。”
The Wall Street Journal first reported on the Saudis sharing of intelligence.
Iran is reportedly unhappy with coverage of the protests from Iran International. The Farsi-language satellite news service was once mostly owned by a Saudi national.
The protests in Iran began in late September when a young woman died while under arrest for not covering her hair properly. Since then, at least 288 people have been killed and over 14,000 arrested in protests throughout the nation.
伊朗的抗议活动始于 9 月下旬,当时一名年轻女子因没有正确遮住头发而在被捕时死亡。从那时起,在全国各地的抗议活动中,至少有 288 人被杀,超过 14,000 人被捕。
Regional uncertainty
Saudi Arabia and the U.S. have long been concerned about attacks from Iran. In 2019, a drone hit an oil-storage area in eastern Saudi Arabia. The attack hurt the nation's ability to supply oil to the world market. In addition, some parts of Saudi Arabia have been hit by drones sent by Iran-supported Houthi fighters in Yemen.
长期以来,沙特阿拉伯和美国一直担心来自伊朗的袭击。2019 年,一架无人机袭击了沙特阿拉伯东部的一个石油储存区。这次袭击损害了该国向世界市场供应石油的能力。此外,沙特部分地区在也门遭到伊朗支持的胡塞武装派出的无人机袭击。
While Iran said it was not behind the attacks, security officials say similar Iran-made drones have been used by Russia to attack Ukraine this year.
The relationship between the U.S. and the two Middle Eastern nations continues to be tense. The U.S. says it will support Saudi Arabia if it is attacked by Iran. But at the same time, American leaders are thinking about negotiations with Iran to limit nuclear weapons production.
Even with the show of support for Saudi Arabia, the U.S. says it is examining the relationship because of Saudi's action to cut its oil supply. Saudi Arabia is the top oil-producing country in a group known as OPEC. The U.S. says OPEC production cuts help Russia get more money for its oil so it can pay for the war in Ukraine.