Scientists Release Image of Gas Cloud from Star’s Explosion
The European Southern Observatory on Monday released an image of colorful clouds of gas created by the explosion of a huge star long ago.
The clouds are in our own Milky Way galaxy about 800 light years from Earth. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, 9.5 trillion kilometers. Scientists estimate that the star was at least eight times the mass of the sun.
这些云位于我们自己的银河系中,距离地球约 800 光年。一光年是光在一年中传播的距离,9.5万亿公里。科学家估计这颗恒星的质量至少是太阳的八倍。
The area of the colorful cloud is about 600 times the size of our own solar system.
The image shows the pink and orange filament structures of the cloud. Filaments are like very thin strings such as silk or the strings of a spider's web.
The cloud was created by the star's explosion, called a supernova.
In a supernova, a large star collapses onto its core or center. The pressure and temperature at the core become so high that atoms of heavier elements are formed, and huge amounts of energy are released in a massive explosion. A supernova can also produce very heavy elements such as iron, gold or uranium.
Bruno Leibundgut is an astronomer connected with the European Southern Observatory (ESO). He explained that denser areas of material from the supernova hit surrounding gas and created some of the filaments seen in the image.
Bruno Leibundgut 是一位与欧洲南方天文台 (ESO) 有联系的天文学家。他解释说,来自超新星的更密集的物质区域撞击了周围的气体,并产生了图像中看到的一些细丝。
He said, "Most of the material that shines is due to hydrogen atoms that are excited. The beauty of such images is that we can directly see what material was inside a star."
The image shows the cloud, called a nebula, about 11,000 years after the explosion.
该图像显示了爆炸后约 11,000 年的云,称为星云。
What is left of the supernova is a small, very dense spinning object called a pulsar. The pulsar spins about 10 times per second.
超新星留下的是一个小而非常密集的旋转物体,称为脉冲星。脉冲星每秒旋转约 10 次。
The picture of the cloud is a combination of many images taken by the VLT Survey telescope in Chile. The telescope uses a camera with filters to capture light of different colors. The data for the image was collected from 2013 to 2016, the ESO said.
云的图片是智利 VLT 巡天望远镜拍摄的许多图像的组合。望远镜使用带有滤光片的照相机来捕捉不同颜色的光。ESO 表示,该图像的数据是从 2013 年到 2016 年收集的。