教程:VOA慢速英语听力  浏览:165  
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    Today we talk about one of those English words that changes meaning depending on the words added to it. "Double" is just such a word. It is such a useful word that we should discuss it on the double. That means quickly. If I say "get here on the double," it means "get here as soon as you can." But that is just one of the many uses of this versatile word.

    今天我们谈论一下那些根据添加的词而改变意义的英语单词之一。“Double”就是这样一个词。它是一个如此有用的词,以至于我们应该尽快讨论它。这里的“尽快”就是“on the double”的意思。如果我说“尽快来这里”,意思就是“你能多快来就多快来”。但这只是这个多义词的众多用法之一。

    Double means two of something. So if you double up on something, you increase the amount by two. For example, if I plan to enter a swimming race, I might want to double up on my training. So if I train one hour a day, I would increase my training to two hours a day.


    Now, if you add "down" to "double," you get something completely different. If you double down, you stick to a position or undertaking, even if it is not a good one. You are not willing to change your position at all. For example, instead of apologizing for a poorly worded statement, the politician doubled down and said it again. Here we could also say he dug in his heels.

    现在,如果你在“double”后面加上“down”,意思就完全不同了。如果你加倍下注(double down),你就会坚持一个立场或任务,即使它不是很好。你根本不愿意改变立场。例如,政治家没有为措辞不当的声明道歉,反而再次重申了这句话。在这里,我们也可以说他固执己见。

    Now, if something does double duty, it serves two purposes. For example, an exercise bike serves double duty if I can also dry my towels on it. People can also do double duty, that means they do two jobs or the work of two people.

    现在,如果某物能一物两用(does double duty),那它就具有两个用途。例如,如果我的运动自行车还能用来晾毛巾,那它就一物两用了。人们也可以一肩挑两担(do double duty),意思就是他们做两份工作或两个人的工作。

    Let's combine "double" with the word "back." If you double back, you turn around and come back the same way that you came. One time I took a hike and got a little lost, so instead of continuing, I just doubled back. I returned the way that I came.

    让我们把“double”和“back”结合起来。如果你折返(double back),你就会转身并以原来的方式返回。有一次我去徒步旅行,有点迷路了,所以我没有继续前行,而是折返了。我按照原路返回。

    A delayed reaction to something that takes you by surprise is called a double take. We usually say "do a double take." For example, I did a double take when I saw my coworker after a year. She had a new haircut and a tattoo. I had to double check if it was even her. When I looked again and made sure it was my friend, I told her how much I liked her tattoo. Then she doubled over with laughter, as it turns out it was a temporary tattoo.

    对某事的延迟反应,如果让你感到惊讶,那就叫做“回头再看一眼”(double take)。我们通常会说“do a double take”。例如,一年后我看到我的同事时,我回头再看了一眼。她换了新发型,还纹了身。我不得不再次确认那是不是她。当我再次确认是我的朋友时,我告诉她我多么喜欢她的纹身。然后她笑得前仰后合,原来那是个临时纹身。

    When we double over, we bend over and cannot stand up straight because of laughter or from pain. For some reason, certain double words are not good. For example, double crossing someone means to cheat them. A double cross is a betrayal. We could also use the word "double dealing," which has a similar meaning. Double talk is language that appears to be meaningful, but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense. And double speak is language used to trick people by hiding some of the truth.

    当我们笑得前仰后合(double over)时,我们会因为笑声或疼痛而弯腰,无法站直。出于某种原因,某些“double”构成的词并不太好。例如,背叛某人(double crossing someone)就是欺骗他们。背叛(double cross)就是出卖。我们也可以使用“double dealing”这个词,它的意思相似。含糊其辞(Double talk)是看似有意义但实际上混杂着有意义和无意义内容的语言。而双重语言(double speak)则是通过隐瞒部分真相来欺骗别人的语言。

    A double standard is a set of principles or rules that apply differently and usually more severely to one group of people than to another. For example, people are not surprised if an older man dates a much younger woman. However, those same people may criticize a woman who dates a much younger man. That is a common double standard because the outcomes are so different.

    双重标准(double standard)是一套原则或规则,它对不同群体的人有不同的应用,通常对某一群体的人比对另一群体的人更为严格。例如,如果一位老年男性与一位年轻得多的女性约会,人们并不会感到惊讶。然而,同样的人可能会批评一位与年轻得多的男性约会的女性。这是一个常见的双重标准,因为结果截然不同。


      上一篇:VOA慢速英语听力训练素材:词汇故事blow 下一篇:VOA慢速英语听力训练素材:词汇故事swimming


