As children, we received most of our negative messages from adults, many of them looking straight in the eye and perhaps even shaking a finger at us. Most of us today, when we look into a mirror, will say something negative to ourselves. We either criticize our looks or berate ourselves for something.
To look yourself in the eye and make a positive declaration about yourself is one of the quickest ways to get positive results. With affirmations, I ask people to look in their eyes and say something positive about themselves every time they pass the mirror. And if something unpleasant happens to you during the day, immediately go to the mirror and say, "I love you anyway." You see, events come and go, but the love you have for yourself can be constant. And it is the most important quality you possess in your life. And if something wonderful happens, go to the mirror and say, "Thank you." Acknowledge yourself for creating this wonderful experience.