No.6 consistency is more important than hard work.
Now, don't get me wrong. Hard work is important. But we won't accomplish much by working hard for a short time, becoming exhausted, and then giving up. To achieve something great, we need to work at it consistently. This means that you need to pace yourself, work as hard as you're able to sustain, but not so hard that you burn out.
No.7 stop assuming what other people are thinking.
We often worry about what others are thinking about us, whether they are judging us for something we've said or something we've done. But the truth is, everyone around us is dealing with their own problems, worries, and insecurities. So stop caring and assuming what others are thinking about you. Chances are, they aren't paying as much attention to you as you may think.
No.8 Help others.
One of the greatest joys of life is giving back to others and helping people you care about. Even helping strangers can create feelings of happiness and accomplishment. Most people on their deathbeds will regret not giving more to the people in their life. Don't be one of those people. Make more effort to give back and make a difference in other people's lives.