Stocks hit near-16-month highs and industrial commodities rallied on Monday as a surge in Chinese exports boosted optimism towards the global economy. |
随着中国出口激增提升了投资者对全球经济的乐观情绪,周一各国股市纷纷触及近16个月来新高,工业用大宗商品价格也全面上涨。 |
Meanwhile, gold bounced sharply after the dollar resumed its slide in the wake of Friday's disappointing US jobs data. |
与此同时,美国上周五发布了令人失望的就业数据,导致美元再次下跌,而金价急速反弹。 |
The FTSE World equity index rose 0.6 per cent to 355, its highest level since mid-September 2008. |
富时环球指数(FTSE World equity index)周一上涨0.6%,至355点,为2008年9月中旬以来最高水平。 |
Major national and regional benchmarks bolted to similar multi-month peaks, though their gains were later curtailed after Wall Street gave up its initial advance. |
主要的全国及区域基准股指一度均创下类似的数月新高,不过,在华尔街逆转早盘的升幅后,各地增幅有所收窄。 |
The S&P 500 in New York opened up 0.4 per cent at 1,149, but was later flat at 1,145 as nervousness about the fourth-quarter earnings season appeared to take hold. The FTSE 100 in London, which had earlier breached the 5,600 level, rose 0.1 per cent at 5,538, while the FTSE Eurofirst 300 fell 0.1 per cent to 1,064, with energy and retailing groups providing support. |
纽约标普500指数大幅高开,上涨0.4%,至1149点,但随后在1145点上下徘徊,原因是投资者对第四季度公司盈利报告季节感到紧张。受能源及零售企业支撑,英国富时100指数一度突破5600点关口,最终收于5538点,上涨0.1%,而富时Eurofirst 300 (FTSE Eurofirst 300)指数下跌0.1%,报收1064点。 |
Bourses in Asia were buoyant earlier in the global session. The FTSE Asia-Pacific index jumped 1 per cent – to a 17-month peak – despite no help from Tokyo, which was closed for a public holiday. |
从全球来看,稍早时亚洲股市普遍上涨。富时亚太指数(FTSE Asia-Pacific index)上涨1%,创17个月来新高,不过,东京方面因公共假日休市一天,对此并无贡献。 |
Equities were invigorated by news over the weekend that China's exports and imports had risen far more than expected, a sign that demand was increasing among China's trading partners and domestically. |
中国上周末发布的数据显示,中国进出口增幅均远远好于预期,这令各股市均受到提振。这一信号表明,中国贸易伙伴及国内的需求都在不断提升。 |
“Growth in [China's] exports is expected to be strong in the coming months due to steady improvement in external demand combined with low base effects. Continued recovery in China's industrial sector should support increased demand for energy and raw material imports,” said Jing Ulrich, managing director and chairman of China equities and commodities at JPMorgan. |
摩根大通中国证券市场部董事总经理兼主席李晶(Jing Ulrich)表示:“由于外部需求持续好转,加上基数较低,预计未来几个月(中国的)出口增长会十分强劲。中国工业的持续复苏,有可能会加大其对进口能源及原材料的需求。” |
Sydney was a leading gainer, rising 0.8 per cent to 4,950 as resource stocks powered ahead. |
随着资源类股一路领涨,悉尼成为主要的得利者,股指上涨0.8%,收于4950点。 |
Shares in mainland China were also helped by Beijing's decision to liberalise its financial markets, and the Shanghai Composite rose 0.5 per cent to 3,213. The Hang Seng in Hong Kong also rose 0.5 per cent, to 22,411, as brokerage groups made ground. |
中国内地股市的表现,也受到了中国政府开放金融市场决定的推动。上证综指上涨0.5%,收于3213点。由于经纪类股的拉动,香港恒生指数同样上涨0.5%,收于22411点。 |
In currencies, the dollar continued to move lower – adding to the loses it suffered on Friday following the non-farm payrolls data. The greenback fell 0.8 per cent versus the euro to $1.4528 and lost 0.7 per cent to 76.91 on a trade-weighted basis. |
在外汇市场,美元延续了上周五美国公布非农就业数据后的跌势。美元兑欧元汇率下跌0.8%,至一欧元兑1.4528美元,美元贸易加权指数下跌0.7%,至76.91。 |
译者/陈云飞 |