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记住这十条人人都会是美女 |
Some peopledon’t feel great about the way they look, so they just hide themselves and feel awful. Well, read on and become confident in your looks。
1. Remember that what people think of you doesn’tmatter a bit. The important is what you, and only you, think of yourself。
2. Be natural when made up 化自然裸妆
Although makeup can do wonders for a person, it can make you look fake or tacky if done the wrong way. Remember, less is more when it comes to makeup, and if you really know how to do it, it will make you moreglamorous on the outside。
3. Accept the way you are. 接受自己。
No matter ifyour hair is curly, straight, wavy or if you’re skinny or fat.Whatever you are, you will always have something beautiful inyou。
4. Just because you are confident in yourselfdoesn’t mean you must be cocky. Always be kind to people and makethem feel good around you, because that’s what makes you trulyattractive。
5.Get a new wardrobe. 买一个新衣柜。
Stop, look atyour wardrobe and think is that the style I want? Do I like wearing these clothes? Depending on the answers, you could go outand buy new clothes that suit you and your style, clothes that makeyou feel comfortable and good-looking。
6. Know that skin and hair care are really important。保护好头发和皮肤很重要。
Make sure to always clean your skin. Wash your hairtwice a week and make sure it really smells good。
7. Pamper yourself. 纵容自己
Take a bubblebath, splurge on a new perfume or outfit, get a manicure. If youset aside some time out of your busy week to do these things, you will feel good, and when you feel good, you feel more confident。
8. Let yourself know how beautiful you are。告诉自己你是最漂亮的。
Stop in front of the mirrorand smile, see how good you look with your new clothes and niceskin and hair, tell you how pretty you look, how smart and good-looking you are. Look at photos of yourself. Often this willgive you a kinder perception of the person you reallyare。
9. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; be your ownbeauty。
10. Having "inner beauty" is just as important asbeing outwardly beautiful. Being beautiful on the inside will showyou are a very special girl not worth losing。