India needs to strengthen corporate governance laws urgently or risk the integrity of its capital markets and a slump in foreign investor participation, according to a study to be published tomorrow. |
将于明日发表的一份研究报告显示:印度急需加强公司治理方面的法规;否则其资本市场的完整性可能会受到损害,外国投资者的参与程度可能锐减。 |
Reforms are needed in investor voting processes, related-party transactions, corporate disclosure and the auditing profession, says the Asian Corporate Governance Association, an advocacy group in Hong Kong. |
位于香港的游说团体亚洲公司治理协会(ACGA)表示,印度需要在投资者表决程序、关联方交易、公司信息披露和审计行业方面进行改革。 |
Deficiencies in India's corporate governance regime attracted international scrutiny last year when the head of Satyam Computer Services admitted to defrauding the company over a number of years. |
去年,印度公司治理制度的缺陷曾引来国际关注。当时,萨蒂扬软件技术有限公司(Satyam Computer Services)的负责人承认,他在过去数年里一直在欺骗公司。 |
The report, which will be presented to India's securities regulator and stock exchange and government officials, is based on feedback from association members, which include global institutional investors and local market participants. |
ACGA的报告建立在该协会会员反馈的基础上,这些会员包括全球机构投资者和印度本地的市场参与者。报告将提交给印度证券监管机构、证交所和政府官员。 |
“There needs to be genuine long-term improvements to corporate governance if India is to achieve its goal to make Mumbai an international financial centre,” Jamie Allen, ACGA secretary-general, told the Financial Times. |
ACGA秘书长艾哲明(Jamie Allen)向英国《金融时报》表示:“如果印度想实现把孟买打造成国际金融中心的目标,就必须对公司治理进行真正长期的改进。” |
According to the report, “critical areas” of corporate governance were sidestepped in spite of the reforms enacted in recent years. |
报告称,尽管印度近年来制定了多项改革措施,但它回避了公司治理的几个“关键领域”。 |
The five key recommendations include a call to overhaul the “weak” regime governing related-party transactions, including giving independent shareholders the power to approve large transactions. |
报告提出了五项主要建议,包括呼吁印度对其“软弱”的关联方交易报告制度进行全面整改,其中包括授予独立股东批准大宗交易的权力。 |
In addition, ACGA says that “the scope for the misuse and abuse of warrants in India is considerable”. |
此外,ACGA表示,“在印度,误用和滥用认股权证的空间很大”。 |
Investors also remain frustrated with the audit profession, which is “highly fragmented and hamstrung by regulations that protect the small firm at the expense of the market”. |
而且,投资者仍对审计行业感到沮丧,该行业“高度分散化,以牺牲市场来保护小型审计所的规定令其受到严重损害”。 |
ACGA also calls for changes to shareholder meetings. Investors want earlier notification of meetings and to be able to instruct their proxies to speak at the gatherings. |
ACGA还呼吁对股东大会进行改革。投资者希望早些获悉会议日期,从而能够指示其代理人在大会上发言。 |
译者/汪洋 |