教程:英语漫读  浏览:9600  
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     《荆棘鸟(The Thorn Birds )


      柯琳麦克(Colleen McCullough )


      Set in 1915 Australia, this remarkable saga chronicles the forbidden love between a beautiful, headstrong young girl and a priest. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll stay up way too late reading this fabulous story




       《呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights )


      艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Bront?)


      Really, how can you pick one Bront? over the other? Who is more romantic, Heathcliff or Mr. Rochester? Whose moors are mistier, whose foggy English countryside is more moody, whose manor house is more creepy? It's a tie -- both timeless romances are not to be missed




        《英国病人(The English Patient )》


      迈克尔·翁达杰(Michael Ondaatje)


      Haunting and beautiful, Ondaatje's award-winning novel tells the story of four war-damaged souls living in an Italian monastery at the end of WWII, and the love story between two of them, the exhausted nurse Hana, and the severely burned unnamed English patient. Unforgettably unique




        《真正的信徒(True Believers )


      尼古拉·斯巴克(Nicholas Sparks)


      The latest 4-hanky love story by the master of sweet, heartwarming romantic tales. This one features a hotshot New York journalist and a plain-speaking Southern librarian, both of whom have been hurt by love before. Their differences are forgotten when love blossoms in this wonderfully escapist romantic read




        《法国中尉的女人(The French Lieutenant's Woman )


      约翰·福尔斯(John Fowles)


      A Victorian gentleman is engaged to a wealthy and suitable woman, but when he encounters a beautiful, mysterious woman rumored to be the forsaken lover of a French lieutenant, he becomes utterly smitten. Truly magnificent entertainment



      上一篇:盘点:情侣谈心常出现的问题 下一篇:法国囚犯监狱里养宠物

