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    Spill Tops Valdez Disaster

    As authorities waited Thursday to see whether BP PLC's 'top kill' operation would stop the oil gushing from the company's broken well in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal panel of scientists made estimates of the spill that would rank it the worst in U.S. history, surpassing the Exxon Valdez disaster of 1989.
    周四,当局正在等待英国石油公司(BP PLC) “灭顶”行动的结果,看此次行动能否停止该公司墨西哥湾破损油井的石油泄漏。同时,由多名科学家组成的联邦小组估计此次漏油事件的影响将超过1989年埃克森•瓦尔迪兹号(Exxon Valdez)油轮漏油灾难,成为美国历史上最严重的漏油事故。

    BP said late Thursday it had temporarily halted the pumping of heavy drilling fluid, or 'mud,' into the well. The company said much of the fluid had been leaking out of the well, but that it planned to resume pumping mud around midnight.

    Fallout from last month's explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig reverberated in the U.S. capital Thursday, as members of Congress accused BP of deliberately downplaying the size of the leak and President Barack Obama slammed the brakes on off-shore deepwater oil drilling, in a policy pivot from just two months ago.
    周四,上个月深水地平线(Deepwater Horizon)钻井平台爆炸事件的后果仍在美国国会引起波澜,国会议员指责英国石油公司故意低估泄漏的规模,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)紧急终止了近海深海石油钻井,与两个月前的政策完全相反。

    Mr. Obama also accepted the resignation of his top oil regulator, and accepted blame for failures before and after the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon.

    'I take responsibility,' Mr. Obama said at an hour-long news conference. 'It is my job to make sure everything is done to shut this down.'

    Oil has been spewing from the damaged well since the rig sank on April 22. Eleven workers died in the initial explosions that doomed the rig. Crude has washed up on 100 miles of Louisiana shoreline, threatening the livelihood of tens of thousands of fishermen and shrimpers.

    The White House said it had canceled the sale of oil-exploration leases in the western Gulf and off the Atlantic Coast of Virginia, and had delayed a major Arctic drilling project until at least 2011. The administration said it would place a moratorium on issuing any new permits to drill wells in deep water for six months, until an independent commission delivers its report on the disaster.

    Efforts at halting the spewing oil by pumping heavy drilling fluid into the well -- known as the 'top kill' procedure -- had showed early signs of success. Lt. Commander Tony Russell of the U.S. Coast Guard said the mud was stopping some oil and gas. But Bob Dudley, BP's managing director, said it could take 24 to 48 hours before to know whether the operation was going to work.
    通过向油井中泵入较重的钻井泥浆中止石油泄漏称作灭顶法。英国石油公司的这一努力已显示出初步成功的迹象。美国海岸警卫队少校拉塞尔(Tony Russell)说泥浆止住了部分石油和天然气的泄漏。但英国石油公司常务董事达德利(Bob Dudley)说,需24至48小时才能知道这次行动是否有效。

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