Designing a 162-room hotel is a challenge for any architect. St. Regis Lhasa拉萨瑞吉度假酒店
Trying to do it at 3,600 meters (nearly 12,000 feet) above sea level and adhering to the cultural concerns of Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet? That's raising the stakes.
For two and a half years, Jean-Michel Gathy, principle designer of Denniston International Architects & Planners Ltd., based in Kuala Lumpur, struggled with the obstacles of creating the eight-acre St. Regis Lhasa Resort.
总部位于吉隆玻的Denniston International Architects & Planners Ltd.的首席设计师让•蜜雪儿•加蒂(Jean-Michel Gathy)耗时两年半,努力克服种种障碍,建造了这座占地八英亩的拉萨瑞吉度假酒店(St. Regis Lhasa Resort)。
'Because it was so cold during the winters, we had to stop building for three months of the year,' says the architect, whose other projects include the Aman at Summer Palace and the One & Only Reethi-Rah resort in the Maldives.
这位建筑师说,由于当地冬季的气候非常寒冷,一年当中有三个月的时间不得不停工。他的其他作品还包括颐和园边上的安缦颐和酒店(Aman at Summer Palace)和马尔代夫的One & Only Reethi-Rah度假村。
The St. Regis Lhasa Resort soft-opened in November. Mr. Gathy tells us why Tibet may be one of the most demanding places to create a luxury property.
Painting it red: When choosing your color palette, beware of using ox-blood red, a shade reserved for temples and religious buildings.
'It's a beautifully dramatic color,' says Mr. Gathy. 'I have one wall in the front courtyard that's painted in this color, but in order to get around [the culture surrounding the use of it], we had to cover it up with a lattice on top.'
Buddha on high: The placement of Buddha statues must be done with respect, says Mr. Gathy. As a rule of thumb, statues should be placed higher than pedestrian eye level, so people look up at them.
'There are very sensitive cultural issues that you have to understand when designing something in Tibet,' he says. 'Everything is scrutinized.'
Avoiding stairs: With altitude sickness being a serious concern for travelers to Tibet, why is it that Mr. Gathy raised the first floor of the hotel by more than 10 meters? 'We wanted it to be level with the Potala, the main temple at Lhasa. That way guests can get the perfect view,' he says. What's more, all the public areas — except for the small Tibetan restaurant in the resort are located on the same floor so guests need not go up and down stairs. Oxygen tanks are also available throughout the premises.
Making do with materials: Certain materials are not readily available in Tibet, says Mr. Gathy. 'I wanted to use timber for the windows, but only aluminum was available. As a designer, you have to realize you can't have everything.'
Finding talent: It takes a lot of construction know-how to build a property like the St. Regis, says Mr. Gathy. 'The way things are finished off and milled and joined together that's all methodology local labor is not familiar with.' Many of the components were prefabricated in eastern China and then transported to Tibet for simple installation.
Creating the mood: You may think of Tibet as peaceful and meditative landscape, but the site of the hotel was in fact the former city hall compound. 'It is by an open road and so there is a lot of traffic and noise,' says Mr. Gathy. He resolved the problem by building a four-meter-high wall around the complex and a manmade oasis — a large lake, or reflective pool, surrounded by lush and mature trees.