Capturing each moment of a child’s life is every proud parent’s goal. Moms and dads make photo albums, save pictures and videos on their computers at home, create scrapbooks. One father has found a unique way to show his kids’ growth over the years.
Frans Hofmeester is a filmmaker and photographer from the Netherlands. One of his latest projects is a time-lapse video of his daughter Lotte. Hofmeester said he noticed his daughter was changing so quickly from the day she was born on October 28, 1999. He wanted to capture each and every moment.
“I filmed Lotte every week,” said Hofmeester. “I felt the need to document the way she looked to keep my memories intact.”
His short film, gone viral, is titled “Lotte Time Lapse: Birth to 12 Years in 2 min, 45 sec.” It first features Lotte as a baby, lying in her crib on a white blanket, giggling and often looking around with curiosity. Each year of growth is marked by a number in the lower right corner of the video. As Lotte grows up the baby blanket changes to a white background. We see Lotte speaking, laughing, crying, and showing off different hairstyles.
When Lotte was 3 years old her brother Vince was born. Hofmeester told ABC News he starting filming him too. “Sometimes they did not feel like doing it, so I began to ask them questions,” Hofmeester said. “That way I stalled them so I could complete each shot.”
Hofmeester said he always had the feeling this was a special project, but he admits he didn’t expect the response he’s had. There have been more than 700,000 views on his Vimeo page. “I’m flabbergasted. This is overwhelming,” he said.
In the meantime he continues to record his kids’ growth. “There will be a lot of changes in the coming years,” said Hofmeester. “And of course I will continue filming.”
与此同时,他会继续记录下孩子们的成长过程。“在接下来的几年里,肯定会有很多变化的。” 霍密斯特说。“当然了,我会继续拍摄。”