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    Can you resist the temptation of food? 你可以抵挡食物的诱惑吗?

    If you love eating and have a gargantuan appetite, the idea of going on a diet might be hard to swallow.


    Yet evidence suggests that short periods of fasting could help people lose weight and lead to better health. A lower calorie intake increases the life expectancy of mice, so could the same be true for humans?


    Studies show that high levels of a growth hormone called IGF-1 can lead to accelerated ageing, whilst a low level can help prevent age-related diseases. Now evidence suggests the level of IGF-1 in our bodies can be lowered by what we eat.


    It’s not only about eating less, but also about limiting the amount of protein we ingest. Research by Professor Valter Longo of the University of Southern California suggests that when the level of IGF-1 drops, our bodies switch from "growth mode" to "repair mode".

    这不仅仅意味着是我们要少吃,而且要限制摄入的蛋白质量。由南加利福尼亚大学Valter Longo教授所做的研究表明,当IGF-1水平降低时,我们的身体会自动由“成长模式”转换为“修复模式”。

    BBC journalist Michael Mosley went on the 5:2 diet, which involves eating normally for five days a week, then only consuming 600 calories for two days. Despite this reduced calorie intake two days a week, he didn’t crave more food on other days: "On my feed days I ate what I normally do and felt no need to gorge." However, he adds that "Current medical opinion is that the benefits of fasting are unproven and until there are more human studies it's better to eat at least 2000 calories a day. Fasting, like eating, is best done in moderation."

    BBC记者Michael Mosley正在进行5:2的斋戒模式,每周5天正常饮食,剩余2天则共摄取600卡路里热量的食物。尽管,在这种模式下,会有2天减少卡路里摄取,但在其他日子他也不会渴求更多的食物。“在正常进食的日子里,我像往常一样进食,并不会有想吃太多的欲望。”然而,他补充道“现代医学认为斋戒的益处并未被证实,如果有更多的人类研究证明有益,每天的卡路里摄入量也最好不少于2000卡路里。斋戒和进食一样,最好以适度为原则。”

    For those who want to reduce their weight whilst maintaining a varied diet, fasting for short periods of time might be healthier than crash diets or yo-yo dieting. However, others might decide they have enough on their plate without having to think constantly about what they eat. Either way, information about fasting provides food for thought.


      上一篇:经典卡通片背后你所不知道的秘密 下一篇:比尔盖茨给年轻人的11条生活准则


